
Topic: 📌[ANN] COTI - CURRENCY OF THE INTERNET. Digital currency built for payments ✔ - page 10. (Read 26362 times)

Activity: 426
Merit: 10
Coti - Currency Of The Internet

Following our TestNet Full Node phase run by selected members, COTI is happy to open the option for the public at large to run Full Nodes in COTI TestNet. For those interested, be sure to read "How to run a Full Node: COTI’s technical guide" at this link
Once you've completed the steps and are ready to start, please contact our developers' team on our Discord channel to finalize your participation:
COTI's R&D team will be available on our Discord channel to answer all your tech-related questions. Join our Discord channel today!
For all detailed information on running Full Nodes and the staking model, visit here
Activity: 426
Merit: 10
Coti - Currency Of The Internet

Join us on Discord for all the latest and greatest from the tech world! If you have any tech questions, our R&D team will be there to help.
Join now:
Activity: 426
Merit: 10
Coti - Currency Of The Internet
We recently presented the staking model and the option to run a COTI Full Node. We held an AMA shortly after to let our community ask everything they want to know about Full Nodes. Here is the recap of the AMA.

Here is only a description of ubuntu. What about Windows users?
Windows environment is less stable for this purpose, therefore not recommended. In addition, we do not provide a manual for running nodes through Windows. It is currently recommended to use ubuntu or centos 7.

Is the minimum requirement 16GB memory? 8GB is not enough? Vultr has only one option that supports 16GB, which supports 6vCPU cores. The team asked for 4vCPU.
Yes, 16GB is the minimal requirement.
It is recommended. Node app can work with less memory, but the lack of memory can lead the app to crash. We recommend not less than 16GB and strongly not recommend using nodes with less than 8 GB.

What if I enter a fee of 5%?
In this case, most if not all of the merchants will choose not to transact through your full node and you won’t get any fees collected.

How do node users choose the desired node?
Users are choosing the node by selecting it manually through the wallet based on the node trustscore and fees. In payment request the node is selected randomly. The probability of selection depends on fee and Trustscore. — the merchant defines the range he would like to use for his transactions.

If a node sets for example 0.01% fee, that node might get almost all of transactions? Guess a typical criteria users setup is to autochoose the one with lowest fee. So how will it be balanced? Will it be a lowest fee limit? E.g. 0.05%? Some node operators might just battle to get most transactions?
The probability distribution is shaped so the node will have the maximum expected income is at the recommended fee level. If a user set the fee lower than recommended, he will have more transactions but less income in total. Also the probability is low for low fees, so if a user would set very low fee, such node will almost never be recommended. Zero-fee node can be chosen only manually.

If the Advanced Node receives 25% of fixed income per year, it is 2% of fixed income per month. If a coti user can choose a node, how would he choose a cheaper node? How can an Advanced Node get a fixed monthly income of 2%?
The probability of a node to be selected depends on the stake. If Advanced Node has its stake 2.5 times more than standard Node, the probability is 2.5 times more and return rate is the same. If the return rate is less than 25%, COTI compensates the difference.

Is staking also required for running a node on TestNet?
No. TestNet is used as a sandbox environment on which you can install the node and experiment with the environment.

Guess a merchant with high TrustScore is running its own huge node(s) and sets the transaction fee to zero to attract customers. Operational costs for nodes are not crucial for big merchants and may be calculated into the retail price. Merchants are focused on doing business.
Other participants of COTI-network may also select these cheap nodes for their transactions. So other nodes with even low fees will not get any transaction to be processed.

Will this lead to network centralisation or bottlenecks?
It is not a problem for several reasons. At first, a Full Node has to do PoW. It limits the throughput. Second, if a merchant wants zero-fee full node, it is not reasonable for that merchant to serve all users for free and overload the Full Node. We suppose that such node will filter requests, give it’s fee and process transactions for this merchant only.

I read: “ In the current development stage, Full Nodes are the only available nodes that can be run by network users. DSP Nodes and Trust Score Nodes will also be operated by users as the network matures. “ Why do your team have a this decision why not at the same time?
DSP nodes are validators, they are voting for transactions. In all similar consensus systems, becoming a validator is long and expensive way (Ripple, Libra, EOS, etc) because of subtle consensus mechanics and great responsibility of validators. It is not like PoW systems like Bitcoin. COTI is going this way step-by-step with all needed carefulness.

“In August 2019, the COTI network processed transactions equating to 225M COTI (an equivalent of about $5M USD).” Can you tell me your team’s goal the COTI network processed transactions for 2020?
We plan to do at least $25M a month by the end of 2020.
Try to estimate a share that you can take out of it. assume an average transaction of 100$ and go from there. Obviously the averages can change.
By the way, do you know who will be the first to run a node? Winston from Wolf Crypto!

Your team note: “ COTI ambassadors may run up to three Advanced Full Nodes “ so how can an individual become a coti ambassador?”
You are invited to read the ambassador program details here and sign up if this is relevant to you:

What are the incentives that customers receive when running full notes?
Full Node fee from processed transactions

Will COTI provide demo coins to staking node on testnet?
You won’t need demo coins to run in the test environment.

What is the Node Calculation based on? How Full Nodes collect fees? How large merchants get involved if server throughput is limited?
All COTI transactions include a dedicated payment for the full node fee. In order to create a transaction, the transaction originator (user wallet or merchant app, if the transaction is a payment for goods or services) has to request from full node how much it wants to be paid. If there is no fee payment (or it is not correct), the Full Node will not process the transaction.
Very large merchants can use several full nodes.

Is there no guide for Windows? So should I use ubuntu? Most use Windows. You should first guide ubuntu instructions.
I​t​ is not recommended to use windows so yes you should use ubuntu or centos​ ​7.

What currency will compensate the difference? (COTI coin or dollar..?)

I would like to understand at what time will we be able to run nodes? I understand first on testnet and only trusted members (team, etc)but when will I be able to do it? will it still be on testnet it will it be already on mainnet?
If all goes well in the tests then probably November.

Why don’t you offer staking for the mess?
That’s November, Ron. things like dpos will be next year

What is this advanced node? Not sure I understood
A node that gives you at least 25% annual return. technically, it’s like a basic node.

Will COTI incentivize history nodes as well? What role will history nodes play in COTI?
The History Nodes keep the earlier parts of the Cluster after the Clusterstamp process is complete.
Full account history can be retrieved from the History Nodes. So with history nodes the full nodes only need to store the current cluster in their storage and not the full history of the network and by that overcome the storage challenge which exists in most blockchain solutions. The fees collected by history nodes are received from the network fees and in the future it will be possible to also run a history node instance by users.

Can locked coins from community presale be used for staking as these COTI are already (b)locked and can not be traded?
No, it is not possible to use locked coins to stake.

“Dsp nodes and trust score nodes will be operated by users as the network matures” . What does the COTI team mean by this?
DSP nodes are validators, they are voting for transactions. In all similar consensus systems, becoming a validator is long and expensive way (Ripple, Libra, EOS, etc) because of subtle consensus mechanics and great responsibility of validators. It is not like PoW systems like Bitcoin. COTI is going this way step-by-step with all needed carefulness.

For any question you have, feel free to contact us on our telegram group :

Activity: 426
Merit: 10
Coti - Currency Of The Internet
In COTI, Full Nodes are the main client-facing nodes of the system. Wallets are connected to Full Nodes to process transactions and receive payments. Full Nodes are responsible for PoT Consensus, attaching transactions to the COTI DAG and performing PoW. In the COTI network, Full Nodes can define their own price list and compete for customers.

By following the instructions in this guide, any COTI user can run a COTI Full Node. This is made possible through the user’s own hardware or by renting a cloud-based server. We recommend that users rent a server from a reliable hosting provider. In any case, your server will require a static IP address and domain name to run a Full Node.

The server configuration has the following parameters:

✓ 16GB of memory
✓ 4 vCPU cores
✓ Bandwidth (up to 3.5 Gbps)
✓ Broadband Internet connection
✓ 24/7 availability
✓ Operating system: Ubuntu/Linux/Windows

The estimated costs for running such a VPS on Digital Ocean or Vultr is approximately $40-$80 per month.

Check if Java is already installed in Ubuntu

Java is a very popular general purpose programming language. To this effect, it may already be installed on your server. To check if Java is installed, open a terminal and type in the following command:

java -version

If you have Java installed, you will see this output:

openjdk 10.0.2 2018-07-17
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 10.0.2+13-Ubuntu-1ubuntu0.18.04.4)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 10.0.2+13-Ubuntu-1ubuntu0.18.04.4, mixed mode)

From the above output, you can see the system already has Java 10 installed via OpenJDK.

Install JRE in Ubuntu and Linux Mint

If your server doesn’t have Java installed, open a terminal and use the following command to install JRE:

sudo apt install default-jdk

This will install the latest JDK available from Ubuntu.
Next run:
java -version

The output should look like this:

openjdk version "1.8.0_191"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_191-8u191-b12-2ubuntu0.16.04.1-b12)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.191-b12, mixed mode)

Install Apache Maven

You can download the latest stable version of Apache Maven from their official website. Otherwise, you can download it directly using the following command:
cd /opt/

Once the download has completed, extract the downloaded archive.

sudo tar -xvzf apache-maven-3.3.9-bin.tar.gz

Next, rename the extracted directory.

sudo mv apache-maven-3.3.9 maven

Next, you will need to setup the environment variables, such as M2_HOME, M2, MAVEN_OPTS, and PATH. Do this by creating a file inside of the /etc/profile.d/ directory.

sudo nano /etc/profile.d/ should look like this:

export M2_HOME=/opt/maven
export PATH=${M2_HOME}/bin:${PATH}

Save and close the file, update its permissions, then load the environment variables with the following command:

sudo chmod +x /etc/profile.d/
sudo source /etc/profile.d/

Verify installation

Once everything has been successfully configured, check the version of the Apache Maven.

mvn — version

You should see an output like this:

Apache Maven 3.6.1 (d66c9c0b3152b2e69ee9bac180bb8fcc8e6af555; 2019-04-04T19:00:29Z)
Maven home: /opt/maven
Java version: 1.8.0_191, vendor: Oracle Corporation, runtime: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "linux", version: "4.4.0-145-generic", arch: "amd64", family: "unix"

You have just successfully installed Java and Apache Maven on your machine!

Clone and build the COTI Full Node from Source

Type the following into a terminal window:

cd ~
git clone

Now, change the directory to your freshly cloned git repository:

cd ~/coti-fullnode/

and run the following command to build the COTI Full Node:

mvn initialize && mvn clean compile && mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true package

Install nginx and configure SSL

Update your local package index:
sudo apt update

Install Nginx:
sudo apt install nginx

You may need to adjust your firewall settings at this step. Please refer to the nginx manual to do so; in any case, port 443 should be open.
Check systemd init to make sure the service is running:

systemctl status nginx

Get SSL keys

You will need an SSL key for https to work properly, and the COTI wallet needs a secured (https) connection to function. You can get an SSL certificate for your domain for free at
You’ll need to upload your keys with any SFTP client (e.g., CyberDuck for MacOS), create the server configuration file /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/coti_fullnode.conf (see the file content in the Addendum) and include it to your nginx configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:

http {
    include           mime.types;
    sendfile          on;
    keepalive_timeout 65;
    # set client body size to 6M #
    client_max_body_size 6M;
    server_tokens off;
    add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubdomains; preload";
    add_header X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN;
    add_header X-Content-Type-Options nosniff;
    add_header X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block";
include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*;

Restart nginx:

sudo /etc/init.d/nginx restart

If everything is correct, your server should be up and running.

Create and edit properties file

[link to download sample .properties file]
Upload the file to the coti-fullnode/fullnode/ directory.
See Addendum for an example.
Now, you will need to change some values in the .properties file, namely:
global.private.key and fullnode.seed. To do so, open your COTI wallet (

Generating the seed

For the COTI Full Node to participate in the network and collect fees, it should have a wallet. Creating a wallet is a standard procedure for all COTI users, including Full Node owners.
Go to and generate your seed (you may need to complete KYC verification first).
Click Generate New Seed and select the type of network you need this key for (e.g., MainNet or TestNet). Provide your private key (think of it as a password) and generate your seed. Don’t forget to write down your private key somewhere! If you lose it, you can lose access to your wallet!

   *At this stage you can only run TestNet Full node

Now, press the ‘Generate Seed’ button and copy the resulting seed value. Keep it in a safe place.
Now, log in with your seed and generate your private key. To do this, press the ‘Account Keys’ button and copy your private key. Insert it into the global.private.key string in the .properties file.

Run the COTI node

Now you can finally run your very own COTI network node. To do so:

cd /coti-fullnode/fullnode
java -jar fullnode/target/fullnode-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Check that the Full Node is on

Now, open your server’s IP address in your preferred browser, and you will see your very own Full Node.

Addendum — file

server.ip=[your server external IP] (without brackets)
server.url=https://[your domain for which you have SSL cert] (without brackets)

Addendum — nginx server config file

server {
    listen      80;
    return 301  https://$host$request_uri;
server {
    listen      443 ssl;
    listen [::]:443;
    server_name [your server name here];
#example:    server_name;
ssl_certificate     /etc/ssl/private/cert.pem;
    ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/private/privkey1.pem;
    ssl_session_timeout 5m;
gzip on;
    gzip_comp_level    5;
    gzip_min_length    256;
    gzip_proxied       any;
    gzip_vary          on;
location  / {
        proxy_redirect off;
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
Activity: 426
Merit: 10
Coti - Currency Of The Internet

Interested in becoming a COTI ambassador? Get all the information here
COTI’s community has been a vital part of all our activities, and the COTI Ambassador Program will be central to having our dedicated community members serve as brand advocates within their social circles. We are thankful for your interest in becoming more involved with the COTI project by driving awareness amongst novice and crypto enthusiasts, developers, business leaders, investors and anyone who likes what they see at COTI.
What does it take to become an ambassador?
COTI’s ambassadors come from a variety of backgrounds and professions, ranging from technology and mathematics to finance, business and investments. We champion multidisciplinarians and value diversity across our ambassador program. We’re looking to amplify our reach in numerous communities, so having a hybrid group of supporters will enable COTI’s message to reach more and more interested groups around the world. COTI ambassadors are required to demonstrate satisfactory verbal and business skills to effectively manage communities and events. COTI ambassadors share in COTI’s vision and have a strong interest in actively promoting it across their community.
Why should I become a COTI ambassador?
Becoming a COTI ambassador is a first-class ticket to take part in COTI’s overall vision of encouraging the mass adoption of cryptocurrencies and radically changing the world of payments. You will, of course, have many perks as an ambassador, including first access to company news and events, getting featured on our company blog, receiving remuneration for referrals, gaining recognition for any notable content you create and becoming an indispensable part of COTI.
Ambassador tasks
COTI ambassadors have a six-month grace period to make sure the program is the right fit for them. This is a minimum window of opportunity for ambassadors to anchor themselves within their communities and establish their influence. The COTI ambassador program includes a number of key areas where involvement is necessary and entails a significant financial contribution staked into the position.
*Minimum requirement
Ambassadors are required to stake their position for the value of $25,000 USD in COTI coins locked for a total of three years. A discount of 10% is provided on the value of COTI coins.
* Worldwide network
Ambassadors should actively participate in all of COTI’s social channels and manage local community groups. Ambassadors are also tasked with implementing creative ideas across various social channels, contributing to existing COTI AMAs and hosting AMAs in their local communities. One blog post summarizing the ambassadorship role is also to be written within the grace period. If a COTI social channel is already managed in a specific geography, ambassadors will be required to cooperate with the existing network.
* Business network
COTI is looking for business leaders to present COTI with new adoption opportunities related to real-world merchants (with a minimum monthly sales volume of $50,000), SMEs, eCommerce, travel, crypto exchanges, education and any other industry requiring credit card processing. All ambassadors will earn 10% from the total net revenue generated in processing fees from each merchant referred to COTI. Earnings will be calculated on a monthly basis for a period of 24 months.
* Conventions and meetups
Ambassadors are the eyes and ears of major developments in their local area. They are required to host one small-scale local meetup every 3–6 months. Meetup discussions can revolve around COTI’s new technologies, updates, partnership news, and any noteworthy developments. A larger-scale event is to be hosted every 6–12 months (e.g., a local meetup, webinar, speaking event, corporate event, etc.) Ambassadors are also tasked with visiting blockchain or fintech-related conferences at least once during the grace period and representing COTI at such events.
Activity: 426
Merit: 10
Coti - Currency Of The Internet
Are there 2 typs of tokens now? Ethereum token on Bitmax and Kucoin and BEP token on Binance Dex?  Why are only 70 mln from 2 billions of tokens in total? This mean that only 3% of all tokens in circulating... when will be unlocked all others tokens?

Hello, you're right. We have COTI native coin, COTI ERC-20 and COTI BEP2. You can do a COTI swap via COTI Cross Chain Bridge. You are able to swap from COTI native to COTI ERC-20 and vice versa. Also you can swap from COTI native to BEP2.

Click here to see a video tutorial :

And kindly see the attached token release schedule.

Kind regards,
COTI Moderation Team
Activity: 426
Merit: 10
Coti - Currency Of The Internet

We are thrilled to present an in-depth look at COTI Pay, a first of its kind in the world!

COTI Pay, which is part of COTI’s Universal Payment System (UPS), represents a breakthrough in payments for both merchants and consumers as it enables them to send and receive payments any way they want — from crypto and stable coins to credit cards and even a merchant’s native coin. It works in online and offline environments and enables merchants to settle instantly, while enjoying zero FX costs, buyer-seller protections, lows fees, high speed and more. It also provides merchants with credit lines to cover working capital needs — from paying rent and covering payroll expenses to securing marketing campaign costs and more.

Check out our UPS technological milestones in the roadmap below:

Activity: 616
Merit: 11
COTI token will be added to the new BithumbGlobal exchange in the near future, trading will begin on September 19, 2019 at 7:00 UTC. Trading Pair COTI / BTC COTI / USDT
full member
Activity: 1162
Merit: 101
Are there 2 typs of tokens now? Ethereum token on Bitmax and Kucoin and BEP token on Binance Dex?  Why are only 70 mln from 2 billions of tokens in total? This mean that only 3% of all tokens in circulating... when will be unlocked all others tokens?
Activity: 518
Merit: 18
COTI enhances data transparency with Xangle.
COTI has always been about transparency, and now they are working with Xangle, and saying what they are doing is even more transparent.
Activity: 518
Merit: 18
Technical Summary from COTI Research Team
Over the past week, the team completed ongoing research and development across the COTI roadmap, and progress is quickly turning into real results.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
full member
Activity: 1316
Merit: 105
COTI to issue a BEP2 token on Binance Chain as part of its interoperability solution and unlock new value
good update, now there are many tokens / coins that join the Binance Chain. maybe this news is the reason why the price of COTI tokens has increased by more than 17%. and I think in the near future there will be an announcement, COTI tokens will be listed on Binance Dex
Activity: 445
Merit: 39
Activity: 349
Merit: 10
COTI has officially joined Binance Info’s transparency initiative. By sharing project-related information such as news and progress reports on Binance Info, COTI is contributing to keeping the community informed.

sr. member
Activity: 854
Merit: 252  will list COTI(COTI) under the trading pairs of COTI/USDT, COTI/BTC.

Deposit & Withdrawal to start at 10:00 a.m. EDT on July 2th, 2019.

Trading to start at 10:00 a.m. EDT on July 3th, 2019.

This is great, but why is the team silent on the question above?
An attempt to ask this question in the chat ended up blocking. But if you have an agreement with the wings team about payments, are you obligated to execute it or am I wrong in this case?
hero member
Activity: 980
Merit: 500  will list COTI(COTI) under the trading pairs of COTI/USDT, COTI/BTC.

Deposit & Withdrawal to start at 10:00 a.m. EDT on July 2th, 2019.

Trading to start at 10:00 a.m. EDT on July 3th, 2019.
sr. member
Activity: 854
Merit: 252
On my question, so nothing is clear above? For forecasters on the wings platform, what amounts will be paid in the end? Or have you decided not to pay forecasters?
sr. member
Activity: 854
Merit: 252
What is there with the money that you owe wings for some predictions? Do your investors know that you give them a lot of money because of zero voting?
This is a very important point as they talk about 2% of circulation.
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