I will test again with and will post the result.
When I was doing solo mining of LCC (sha256d algo) I found this Bug report as marked in the screenshot.
Miner of both versions (v3.13.1.1 and 3.13.2) is showing this bug report.
Here is the log file: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1OGFmZKF9ejfFKQtNHwgmkjl5tof-c8ka
I left the miner running more than 20 minutes during solo mining, but it didn't show 5 mins summary.
So, now I can say the miner of both versions (v3.13.1.1 and 3.13.2) is not showing summary during solo mining with Minotaur and sha256d algo.
It only shows summary during pool mining.
When syncing will be completed then will do solo mining of yespowerLTNCG algo and will post the result.
LTNCG wallet synchronization is complete, but I postponed it testing, cause I got busy with some other stuffs.
I will test it when Minotaur testing will complete.
-P is no longer necessary but still use -D for testing.
No, I didn't do anything different. I will test again and will post the result.
I think you may find you get both formats if you let it run long enough. I have an idea why but
will wait for your data.
When I do solo mining first it shows "new block report" in new format, then it shows in old format and it continues showing in old format.
or GBT without longpoll the miner threads request new work by signalling the workio thread.
When longpoll is enabled the longpoll thread requests new work, however, the miner threads via workio
also continue to request new work.
This is why the new block reporting is inconsistent. When workio requests new work the new format is
used, longpoll still uses the old format.
You previously reported an HTTP error that went away when you disabled longpoll. The error may have been
due to the conflict of both workio & longpoll requesting work.
As a result I want to change the focus of testing. Contrary to my last recommendation you should continue
to use -P as well as -D so we can see any HTTP errors.
I would like 2 tests to run long enough for several new blocks to see if they are reported consistenly the same way
and if there are any HTTP errors. Then post the full log files.
1. test with default (longpoll enabled)
2. test with --no-longpoll (disabled)
This is a special test targetted at the log reporting. Regression testing with other algos is still needed.
I think you're right. I'm going to test Ring solo mining again and will post the result after few hours.
You're welcome dude.
I'm also learning with these testing.