--help will tell you that -t sets the number of threads.
You might also want to recompile to take advantage of AVX2.
sorry my ignorance, but where? because .... for example on ~/nheqminer/nheqminer/build $ ./nheqminer -l zec.suprnova.cc:2142 -u worker.worker -p ppppp t4 = t4 4 miners threads work for me in nheqminer... but dont know how put only 4 in cpuminer-opt-3.5.5 ./cpuminer: unsupported non-option argument -- 't4'
--help will tell you that -t sets the number of threads
when --help
~/cpuminer-opt-3.5.5 $ help
GNU bash, versión 4.3.42(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
Estas órdenes del shell están definidas internamente. Teclee `help' para
ver esta lista.
Teclee `help nombre' para saber más sobre la función `nombre'.
Use `info bash' para saber más sobre el shell en general.
Use `man -k' o `info' para saber más sobre las órdenes que no están en
esta lista.
Un asterisco (*) junto a un nombre significa que el comando está desactivado.
id_trabajo [&] history [-c] [-d despl] [n] ó history -anrw [fichero] ó history -ps arg [arg...]
(( expresión )) if ÓRDENES; then ÓRDENES; [ elif ÓRDENES; then ÓRDENES; ]...[ else ÓRDENES; ] fi
. fichero [argumentos] jobs [-lnprs] [idtrabajo ...] ó jobs -x orden [args]
: kill [-s id_señal | -n num_señal | -id_señal] pid | idtrabajo ... ó kill -l [id_señal]
[ arg... ] let arg [arg ...]
[[ expresión ]] local [opción] nombre[=valor] ...
alias [-p] [nombre[=valor] ... ] logout [n]
bg [id_trabajo ...] mapfile [-n cuenta] [-O origen] [-s cuenta] [-t] [-u df] [-C llamada] [-c quantum] [matriz]
bind [-lpsvPSVX] [-m mapa de teclas] [archivo-f] [nombre-q] [-u nombre] [r sectecla] [-x sectecla: shell-command] [sectecla: > popd [-n] [+N | -N]
break [n] printf [-v var] formato [argumentos]
builtin [orden-interna-shell [arg ...]] pushd [-n] [+N | -N | dir
caller [expresión] pwd [-LP]
case PALABRA in [PATRÓN [| PATRÓN]...) ÓRDENES ;;]... esac read [-ers] [-a matriz] [-d delim] [-i texto] [-n ncars] [-N ncars] [-p prompt] [-t tiempo] [-u df] [nombre ...]
cd [-L|[-P [-e]] [-@]] [dir] readarray [-n cuenta] [-O origen] [-s cuenta] [-t] [-u df] [-C llamada] [-c quantum] [matriz]
command [-pVv] orden [arg ...] readonly [-aAf] [nombre[=valor] ...] ó readonly -p
compgen [-abcdefgjksuv] [-o opción] [-A acción] [-G patglob] [-W listapalabras] [-F función] [-C orden] [-X patfiltro] [-P p> return [n]
complete [-abcdefgjksuv] [-pr] [-DE] [-o opción] [-A acción] [-G patglob] [-W listapalabras] [-F función] [-C orden] [-X patf> select NOMBRE [in PALABRAS ... ;] do ÓRDENES; done
compopt [-o|+o opción] [-DE] [nombre ...] set [-abefhkmnptuvxBCHP] [-o nombre-opción] [--] [arg ...]
continue [n] shift [n]
coproc [NOMBRE] orden [redirecciones] shopt [-pqsu] [-o] [nombre_opción...]
declare [-aAfFgilnrtux] [p] [nombre [= valor] ...] source fichero [argumentos]
dirs [-clpv] [+N] [-N] suspend [-f]
disown [-h] [-ar] [idtrabajo ...] test [expresión]
echo [-neE] [arg ...] time [-p] tubería
enable [-a] [-dnps] [-f fichero] [nombre ...] times
eval [arg ...] trap [-lp] [[arg] id_señal ...]
exec [-cl] [-a nombre] [orden [argumentos ...]] [redirección ...] true
exit [n] type [-afptP] nombre [nombre ...]
export [-fn] [nombre[=valor] ...] ó export -p typeset [-aAfFgilrtux] [-p] nombre[=valor] ...
false ulimit [-SHabcdefilmnpqrstuvxT] [límite]
fc [-e nombre_e] [-lnr] [primero] [último] ó fc -s [pat=rep] [orden] umask [-p] [-S] [modo]
fg [id_trabajo] unalias [-a] nombre [nombre ...]
for NOMBRE [in PALABRAS ... ] ; do ÓRDENES; done unset [-f] [-v] [-n] [nombre ...]
for (( exp1; exp2; exp3 )); do ÓRDENES; done until ÓRDENES; do ÓRDENES; done
function nombre { ÓRDENES ; } ó nombre () { ÓRDENES ; } variables - Nombres y significados de algunas variables de shell
getopts cadena_opciones nombre [arg] wait [-n] [id ...]
hash [-lr] [-p ruta] [-dt] [nombre ...] while ÓRDENES; do ÓRDENES; done
help [-dms] [patrón ...] { ÓRDENES ; }
and you say
You might also want to recompile to take advantage of AVX2.
thanks, but how i can do that? , any link or location
. thanks for your help @joblo ..