Will try and add this to my servers running BBQCoin as well. and OR if you'd prefer, point the client at and That way should my IPs somehow change, clients can still connect to them.
EDIT: Need a daemon version (no-GUI) to run it. My servers are headless linux servers so I can't put Qt on them without a hassle for me.
I will be looking into creating a Linux client and a mac one to for Crimecoin this weekend.
Need to try and get it on a pool too. 1000 CRM bounty for first one to take it on.
Once you get the linux client up, i'll try to modify the pushpool/simplecoin solution to work for a CRM Pool.
EDIT: Actually, I'll just make a VM for the pool and point it at my host qt Client for the moment.
That would be great if you could, looks like my diff adjustment have worked in the new release, its come down to 0.122
Not many connection though, so many not many people mining it?
Do you have any experience with PHP foreach loops? I'm encountering an error in a certain section of the stats.php include.
function currentworkers() {
$currentworkers = 0;
if (!($currentworkers = getCache("pool_workers"))) {
$uwa = $this->workerhashrates();
foreach ($uwa as $key => $value) {
if ($value > 0)
$currentworkers += 1; $
setCache("pool_workers", $currentworkers, 1800);
return $currentworkers;
function workerhashrates() {
global $read_only_db;
$uwa = Array();
if (!($uwa = getCache("worker_hashrates"))) {
$sql ="SELECT IFNULL(count(,0) AS hashrate, p.user$
"shares s ON p.username = s.username ".
"WHERE s.time > DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 10 M$
"GROUP BY username ";
$result = $read_only_db->query($sql);
while ($resultObj = $result->fetch()) { $
$uwa[$resultObj[1]] = round((($resultObj[0]*429$
if (count($uwa) > 0)
setCache("worker_hashrates", $uwa, 600); $
return $uwa;