
Topic: [ANN] CRYPTO MINING GAME, Earn Satoshi, Doge and Litoshi by playing to mine - page 156. (Read 83654 times)

Activity: 798
Merit: 10
I have a Question if i pay out litecoin- litoshies like 700 000 its value is like 1usd  but if convert them to ether as i understand there is ether satoshies or smthn i get 100 000 ether satoshies
but if i check their value i see its only like 0.10usd so its verry uninformative because its writed only ether nothing concrete.  we need all values in normal ways and maybe in usd at site. i think it will be much better then
Hmm what you say cant be possible as all rates are dynamically calculated from btc value.
EDIT: no what i said is wrong its right intercurrency exchange from cryprocompare.
Activity: 13
Merit: 0
I have a Question if i pay out litecoin- litoshies like 700 000 its value is like 1usd  but if convert them to ether as i understand there is ether satoshies or smthn i get 100 000 ether satoshies
but if i check their value i see its only like 0.10usd so its verry uninformative because its writed only ether nothing concrete.  we need all values in normal ways and maybe in usd at site. i think it will be much better then
Activity: 62
Merit: 0
so we should not do exchange here because of fee, just keep earning and cashout each coin individually after meeting each payout threshold

Every platform has fees for exchanging one crypto into the other. It's normal. If you know of an exchange without such fees PLEASE let us know ASAP Tongue
sr. member
Activity: 332
Merit: 250
so we should not do exchange here because of fee, just keep earning and cashout each coin individually after meeting each payout threshold
Activity: 18
Merit: 0
2018-01-27 09:42:09 done deposit of 87.54920000 doge exactly as you requested, I never arrive, send ticket to support and I did not get an answer either, are my doges lost? I paste the data of the shipment and I hope solution to my problem thanks!

2018-01-27 09:42:09 87.5492 doge
Address: D7dnfqYmnEL7CSLV8Gwyu3n6HbJ7oL25X7
Txid: f9582308236052ce65fac3bbdf18e2ace1e50165ca5189395f827f6b7257c506
Good afternoon,
If youve sent these details to the support you will receive the hpower. Just please be patient as there is a delay up To 5 working days.

very thanks for you attention....(sorry, my english is very bad,i spanish)
Activity: 50
Merit: 0

I can not wait to see what's new
Activity: 798
Merit: 10
Ok perfect, keep doing good job on this faucet/game in total love with it Smiley
Thank you. Good to know that we will accelerate the development process from next week.
Activity: 50
Merit: 0
Ok perfect, keep doing good job on this faucet/game in total love with it Smiley
Activity: 798
Merit: 10
I would like to see that in the daily bonuses were different currencies in the form of a bonus, and not only btc. Great game)

You can exchange your satoshi.....

Exchanging X$ worth of BTC into say LTC would give you Y$ worth of LTC with Y
Example: I converted 100000 litoshi and got 1413.2 satoshi. I converted back 1413.2 satoshi and got 77400 litoshi. Total loss: 22.6%.

hey jambon just see u have one miner hide on ur web site normal or bug?

Do you have proof?
The exchange rate is calculated including exchange fee, like every exchange plateform.
Concerning jsecoin, every user have a notification about It and its a non intrusive as it takes less than 0.5% of unused ressources.
By the way, all withdraws completed today.
Have fun on Crypto Mining Game
Activity: 62
Merit: 0
I would like to see that in the daily bonuses were different currencies in the form of a bonus, and not only btc. Great game)

You can exchange your satoshi.....

Exchanging X$ worth of BTC into say LTC would give you Y$ worth of LTC with Y
Example: I converted 100000 litoshi and got 1413.2 satoshi. I converted back 1413.2 satoshi and got 77400 litoshi. Total loss: 22.6%.

hey jambon just see u have one miner hide on ur web site normal or bug?

Do you have proof?
Activity: 798
Merit: 10
2018-01-27 09:42:09 done deposit of 87.54920000 doge exactly as you requested, I never arrive, send ticket to support and I did not get an answer either, are my doges lost? I paste the data of the shipment and I hope solution to my problem thanks!

2018-01-27 09:42:09 87.5492 doge
Address: D7dnfqYmnEL7CSLV8Gwyu3n6HbJ7oL25X7
Txid: f9582308236052ce65fac3bbdf18e2ace1e50165ca5189395f827f6b7257c506
Good afternoon,
If youve sent these details to the support you will receive the hpower. Just please be patient as there is a delay up To 5 working days.
Activity: 18
Merit: 0
2018-01-27 09:42:09 done deposit of 87.54920000 doge exactly as you requested, I never arrive, send ticket to support and I did not get an answer either, are my doges lost? I paste the data of the shipment and I hope solution to my problem thanks!

2018-01-27 09:42:09 87.5492 doge
Address: D7dnfqYmnEL7CSLV8Gwyu3n6HbJ7oL25X7
Txid: f9582308236052ce65fac3bbdf18e2ace1e50165ca5189395f827f6b7257c506
Activity: 89
Merit: 0
Hi jamboom. I want to deposit 1100 Doge. The system told me to send 1100.3498 but the problem is dogechain won't allow me to send 1100.3498. I can only send 1100 doge (I have around 1138 doge). Do you have any suggestion? What should I do now? Smiley

Activity: 50
Merit: 0
hey jambon just see u have one miner hide on ur web site normal or bug?
Activity: 43
Merit: 0
Meня cильнo yдивляют и paздpaжaют 2 вeщи.
1. кpивopyкocть, c кaкoй пoдключeны cepвиcы пpocмoтpa peклaмы  - зaпycтить миccию этo тaкoй гeмopoй ....
2. гpoмaдныe пopoги  выплaт. Hy зaчeм aж 50 000 caтoши для выплaт нa Фayceт xaб Huh Дa любoй , пoвтopяю любoй кpaн мгнoвeннo пepeчиcлит вaм 2 caтoши, a тyт aж 50 000 .  B литoшax  400 000, coбaк 100.  He пoнятнo, тo ли тaк издeвaютcя нaд нaми, тoли чтo тo дpyгoe.  C тaким пopoгoм выплaт я тoчнo дeпoниpoвaть нe бyдy. Чeм вышe пopoгo выплaт - тeм мeньшe дoвepия.
Could you please prefer english as everyone can understand. Use google translate if needed. Thanks.

I am very surprised and annoyed by 2 things.1. the curvature, with which connected advertising viewing services - launch a mission is such a haemorrhoids ....2. huge thresholds of payments. Well, why as much as 50 000 satoshi for payments to Faus haha hmDa any, I repeat any tap instantly list you 2 satoshi, and then already 50 000. In the litosha 400 000, dogs 100. It is not clear whether they are mocking us, toli then something else. With such a payment threshold, I will not exactly deposit. The higher the threshold of payments - the less confidence.
Good morning,
1. We try to keep ads the less anoying as possible, but it's thanks to that we can pay users, so...
2. Don't you see that it's absolutely not this kind of boring speed faucet...
Have fun and enjoy!
The big threshold of payments is on the contrary boring, it is better to deduce less than the amount more often than to collect such large sums for months.Please reduce the threshold of payments.
Activity: 27
Merit: 0
I would like to see that in the daily bonuses were different currencies in the form of a bonus, and not only btc. Great game)

You can exchange your satoshi.....
Activity: 53
Merit: 0
I would like to see that in the daily bonuses were different currencies in the form of a bonus, and not only btc. Great game)
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
Good morning everyone!

As we have ended the french translation, we are looking for translator for other languages. It will be rewarded by Satoshi / HPower in game.

We have open a private chatroom to exchange about it today, please contact me by private message to get invited.

Waiting for you!

Many news to come!

Have fun on Crypto Mining Game!

Hey Jamboom, it won´t let me send you a PM. But if you need help with Spanish translation you can let me know.
Activity: 798
Merit: 10
Meня cильнo yдивляют и paздpaжaют 2 вeщи.
1. кpивopyкocть, c кaкoй пoдключeны cepвиcы пpocмoтpa peклaмы  - зaпycтить миccию этo тaкoй гeмopoй ....
2. гpoмaдныe пopoги  выплaт. Hy зaчeм aж 50 000 caтoши для выплaт нa Фayceт xaб Huh Дa любoй , пoвтopяю любoй кpaн мгнoвeннo пepeчиcлит вaм 2 caтoши, a тyт aж 50 000 .  B литoшax  400 000, coбaк 100.  He пoнятнo, тo ли тaк издeвaютcя нaд нaми, тoли чтo тo дpyгoe.  C тaким пopoгoм выплaт я тoчнo дeпoниpoвaть нe бyдy. Чeм вышe пopoгo выплaт - тeм мeньшe дoвepия.
Could you please prefer english as everyone can understand. Use google translate if needed. Thanks.

I am very surprised and annoyed by 2 things.1. the curvature, with which connected advertising viewing services - launch a mission is such a haemorrhoids ....2. huge thresholds of payments. Well, why as much as 50 000 satoshi for payments to Faus haha hmDa any, I repeat any tap instantly list you 2 satoshi, and then already 50 000. In the litosha 400 000, dogs 100. It is not clear whether they are mocking us, toli then something else. With such a payment threshold, I will not exactly deposit. The higher the threshold of payments - the less confidence.
Good morning,
1. We try to keep ads the less anoying as possible, but it's thanks to that we can pay users, so...
2. Don't you see that it's absolutely not this kind of boring speed faucet...
Have fun and enjoy!
Activity: 798
Merit: 10
haw you calculate price of referal recycle Huh
By now its calculated from level. Now its usefull to recycle inactive users, it will evoluate. Regards
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