Will it able give any useful information for any investors who wish to invest in an ICO?
Classical reports/reviews from the current websites cover general information that you can easily get if you read the ICO whitepaper or website.
CP reports are going step further where ICO Detectives conduct technical analysis and factual research on the ICO and provide the most vital and important piece of information about that ICO that you would not be able find yourself and that could save you time doing your own research. It is not prediction or advice, but factual data taken from the ICO and translated into the comprehensible format that everyone understands.
There will be demo reports coming soon, they have already been written by some of the current Detectives, but after the ICO Detective campaign is over. The Candidates will not be provided with templates of ICO reports, because it will allow them full freedom and creativity in writing those reports and let them express their talent. However, there will be guidelines on what to write.