Something I noticed with other sites that struggled to get people is cancelling freerolls due to lack of people made the person think the site would never run and they never came back. If you look at the now defunct,they where always 2 players off running and people got tired of showing up day after day in hopes it would run.
Maybe lower the payout in those cases and run them anyways as it does not take long for word of mouth to catch players interest in the site.
The one aspect you seem to have going is busy at hours where others are lagging,if that continues it should be good for the site.
Hi Evildrum,
As previously mentioned in this thread, our business model doesn't cater to non-depositing / non-raking players. Over the last weeks we've monitored the games on Cyberdeck and we noticed that the majority of the players who are registering for the freeroll do not participate in any other games. This includes ring games and tournaments with an entry fee of 1-5 chips. Non-raking players don't contribute to the networks eco-system, in fact, they drain the eco-system which contradicts with building a healthy network. For this reason we will continue to raise the minimum number of players required by 1 each week and if this results in "some" of our freerolls not running (at specific times) then that's fine.
For example, we also run the CashPoint Frenzy tournaments on the weekends with a buy-in of just 5 CGP with 10 chips added. In order to accumulate 6 CGP a player only needs to contribute 1 mBTC in rake. Despite this very low requirement only a few players actually register for those tournaments, our ring game players. Thus you see that our freerollers don't even try to take advantage of this promotion despite the payout of the CashPoint Frenzy tournaments being twice the payout of the BankRoll Builders.
Cyberdeck's goal is to build a healty and sustainable eco-system on the network which wouldn't be possible by just giving free money to non-depositing players. The poker industry is a "give-to-receive industry" and our promotions will always focus on rewarding raking players over non-raking players.
Over the next two weeks you'll notice a change to our promotions which will benefit players contributing to the health and growth of Cyberdeck and the network. I'll post an additional update on this once the promotions have been approved and are live.
Just ran into a problem.
I got to the river and pushed the dial to allin and it left about .00001 behind in a .01ish pot and I got folded when I was raised that small amount. Was facing lag each street and noticed others having that issue. So now instead of winning with my nut hand I busted.
So I think for that reason I will no longer being playing on your site. Lag is to big a issue.
Meant to say on my mobile as the lag is less on my desktop but that is really not cool to lose due to lag and be angled due to that aspect. So I was pissed when I wrote this.
I'm sorry to hear that you've run into this problem. We haven't noticed any major lag across the games. However, it's of course possible that this happens not just on Cyberdeck. May I suggest to close down Skype and other applications while playing? This should reduce any packet-loss you might encounter.