Yes, all of my MN get rewards and works fine. I use for every Wallet another PC but with the same ip and port:9399 but with this setting what i wrote its all ok.
The masternode.conf its also the same like first MN.
I hope this help.
So i have to copy my current configuration paste it in the same masternode.conf above and only change the port? Do i need also another MN priv key?
Sure, you must follow all the steps like your first MN. the only difference is now you set up the "port" in your second MN.
And how do you start all? Just wir masternode start "walletpassword"?
I don't use a password.
But you can start the MN at the console with "masternode start" or "Masternode start-many"
you use a password than "masternode start" "your password" or "Masternode start-many" "your password"
half hour later you can type "masternode list-conf" and you will see "Enable" "Missing" or "Pre-Enable".
Enable is the best and say that your MN is working.