I had to apply a patch wrt to the boost libs: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/commit/a2b04ddfe6452e7d6274f4096bf3f2aee695a6d9
Interesting to note that Riecoin is a direct clone of Bitcoin. It has no Primecoin code. Which begs the question: Why not use Bitcoin Core as the base and add the Primecoin proof of work (to produce Primecoin 0.10)? Then add the Datacoin specific code to get Datacoin 0.10. Added advantage is that it may get the Primecoin people involved.
So the logical way to proceed would be to rename Primecoin/Datacoin 0.8.6 prime.cpp and swop into Riecoin/Bitcoin 0.10.2 miner.cpp. As a start. Then add Datacoin 0.8.6 rpc changes (for senddata/getdata operations). Finally do Datacoin specific genesis block, base58 constants, graphics, naming etc. Three big operations.
EDIT: Just came across Primecoin Core: https://github.com/primecoin-ng-group/primecoin-core.
That changes everything.
Hi extro24,
I spent some time looking at Riecoin this weekend too. First thing I noticed is that although they're labeling it Riecoin 10.2 it is a 0.9 branch derivative.
Then, I started a comparison of how the proof-of-work had been integrated.
I'm glad you found the development branch for Primecoin Core on 0.16.
Let's watch the rollout and continue parallel development.
We may learn a thing or two as they upgrade the Primecoin network.
Best Regrds,