This is to reapply Blacklisted due to older version wrong signature.
User ID 301727
Wallet Address DrJJTbgo7Vpy4mjPUWWVgskwZuDd9PUewg
Status Blacklisted. DeepOnion signature not found in bitcointalk profile on date Friday 18th August, 2017.
Dev made it very clear the conditions to approve appeals. That is, if you have shown enough interests in DeepOnion before. See below for dev's original message.
Therefore, if you never posted or seldom posted in DeepOnion related threads, or talk about DeepOnion elsewhere, then you probably get no chance to be removed ban. After all, the new signature was made mandatory many days before the airdrop, and many messages posted here and in OP for it.
For those who are banned because of using old signatures, if you do appeal, we'll check your case. You will be returning to active state only if (1) you switch to the new signature (2) from your past posts that we can see you have certain interests in DeepOnion and its community.
Someone who changed the signature, but we see he did not post a single message in this forum or in any DeepOnion related subjects (except the last complaint). For those people, sorry you will be remained banned.
For those who had enough interests in DeepOnion before, we'll selectively unban on case-by-case basis. However, you won't get coins from the airdrop that just finished.
Several people appealed because they used old signature. I want to reiterate our guidance whether your account can be restored or not. Please refer to the above post.
If you never posted here, or just posted here with very simple sentence before, then please no need to appeal. Suddenly posting a lot things in this thread after being banned does not help. We look at your history of posting and assess whether you have enough interests here. We don't care those who did not care about this community. We want our community to benefit from this coin, and together we can grow the coin and community and make it one of the best.
So please, assess before your appeal. You save your own time and ours. Thank you.