PLEASE HELP - sorry, but I have hard time to follow this threat and find the reply to my own posts
with so many other posts coming in.
So, I cannot see if people replied to me to help with my requests about WALLET connexions
So, here again....
I am UNABLE to get a single connection for 24 hours to get my new wallet syncing.
DESPITE having put ALL addnoded available in OP
I got an info from someone (sorry cannot find the answer now),
about putting a new "peer.dat" file.
WHERE can I get this "peer.dat" file on an official DeepOnion page?
or any other help to finally get a connection to the network.
thanks put this file on %appdata% Deeponion folder
Post if works or no
Sorry, while telling that I used ALL ADDNODES, it implied that for sure I HAVE the conf file....
The conf files with tons of addnodes is NOT helping to get connections in my case apparently.
So, as another person was telling about to get a NEW peer.dat file, this was what I was asking for....
or other suggestion to finally get connections
Very strange. For me worked only with Deeponion.conf file. In what country you live?
I am in Mexico...
for other wallets, adding the conf file according to recommandations always gave immediate solution.
Definitivelly, there is something in that case.....
Hope someone will think about something to help ;-)
Can you access tor on your country or is blocked by isp?
https://www.torproject.orgWhere you put DeepOnion.conf file?
I did not want to install tor browser at this time... but will probably need
in order to check if blocked....
Where do I see if Mexico is blocked or available?
also, I am really familiar with conf file and wallets (as a user).
So, I know where to put it in the roaming folder ;-)
I would have like the issue to be that simple ;-)
feel free to reach out if you have other suggestions
Make sure you put conf file in %appdata% DeepOnion folder. See here for more help you can browse over the internet with Tor browser you are not blocked and should also work DeepOnion wallet.
I know that this threat is really hard to follow with all the posts constantly....
- sure the conf file is at the right place, with tons of addnodes, and has the accurate name
- yep, I can navigate with TOR browser (checked that yesterday).
- I was NOT able to check about my windows firewall settings because it seems to have something not in place
and working on my PC to do so.... I need help to figure out how to proceed.
- someone at a point mentioned about "peer.dat" file and the fact that I could need a new one.
But I did not want to use the link provided by the person from a weird site... and was asking
about this file from an official DeepOnion community page.
"WHERE can I get this "peer.dat" file on an official DeepOnion page? "
I did not get a reply and answer about that.... not sure it would help.... but at this time
for 3 days, nothing was the solution.
I have a lot of wallet staking on my machine... so, even not techy, I am pretty familiar with this
and I never got that kind of basic issue impossible to solve.
Hope someone will come with the solution ;-)