I have just joined the signature campaign of this project because I believe it is a very good project but I myself have not really understood in the field of whether the onion goes on in the security field and elsewhere. thanks so much dev.
Hi Saiful,
I looked back and found this from the dev:
I would like to join, but the 14 days activity counter stopped me from getting a Jr. member :-)
Iam asking because I wanted to explain my friends the benefits of DO, but I realized, that I couldn't explain the anonymity part.
This blockchain-case is only one thing, which showed me again, that I dindn't understand, where is the anonymity with a public blockchain.
I am not so familiar with technique, but how is it possible, that you can trace these transactions on a blockchain?
What is the anonymous part of deep onion, if you can see all transactions on blockchain?
Can someone explain this in easy language?
You go internet over an IP address (which is actually another computer) when you use other cryptos you become a target for some people. for example check the addresses here
https://bitnodes.21.co/nodes/?q=SingaporeADDRESS USER AGENT HEIGHT LOCATION NETWORK
and then open
http://www.geoipview.com/?q= can see home address of the bitcoin users its not exact but its very close
the risk just started because you know IP to target
you can hack this server and steal the wallet
In the Deeponion we don't go directly to web over your home address but we access web over a big anonymity machine called TOR.
One time you appear in Holland one time you appear in USA so nobody knows your IP. your IP is mixed in Tor networks anonymity machine.
So we not only protect you from the hackers but also some other prying eyes... want to question you... also for example in that site owner (bitnodes.21.co) want to advertise your IP for his/her own benefit. If you want to secure some assets better to make it unquestionable...
Have look below images should make sense
I hope that helps and thank you very much for joining deeponion.
oh also thank you to @Münzpräger for this answer to the same question.
Most blockhains are pseudonymous, i.e. you can only identify the addresses and transactions but not the owner without digging deeper. It is the core idea of blockchains that all transactions can be traced back to certain addresses, so that you have proof of the transactions. If there was no way to verify that your Bitcoins were sent successfully you would get scammed every time.
However, identifying the person behind an address can be done by tracking down the public IP that was used to access the address. This is where Tor comes into play. Tor obfuscates your real IP so that you cannot be tracked down.
here forthis answer to the same question