Why did I only get 0.008 please
That's not yet the airdrop. I think it is like a confirmation that your registration for airdrop is accepted.
I received that same amount when I registered.
Damn I missed the first airdrop because I didn't know it needed to be 100 words per comment. I was wondering, if you do 20 comments of 51 words, would that be fine too? I'm assuming not, so I'm gonna make this comment a little longer.
Also since I missed the first aidrop, does that mean that if I complete all others I will not get the 'founding member' status? That would be a real shame.
I stil like the project though and I could use some airdrop money so I'll try to make better comments. Do you guys know any good place to comment?
I should count these words. Only 69, this is hard. Is it okay if I just like increase my words like this?
What do you guys do on Tor?
Made me laugh.
100 characters per post requirement, not words.
Just be active in the forums you are interested in, and don't copy posts so you won't be banned.
Goodluck to us when you get in.