In order to prevent DeepPoint abuses comes from New Members, from now on then, members registered sooner than 7 days ago cannot post reply on Deep Domination forums.
We have also removed post count increase from domination tasks forum, giveaway, bounty, contest and off topic forum. The posts sent those forums will not increase your total post count. This is helpful for us to reflect quality posters and better rank them in our top lists and easier to detect spam abusers.
Very good changes in the Deeppoints rule! I hope this new rule will stop the multiple accounts creation and also make the DeepOnion forum posts more useful. Another good idea to prevent spammers is to remove some of the subforums like Off-Topic, Marketplace, Forex from earning Deeppoints. Only my suggestion!
This is a welcome development. Immediately we can see the result, looking at the checklist, the points of the members doesn't have a very big gap unlike before.