Not quite yet, but I am trying to get myself back into the airdrop. Had a bit of a mishap and now I would like to get back in if possible. Did not need to buy 100 onions however as had a few thousand from the beginning. I do
have a question however and that is these new features keep coming out which are great but how come the github page doesnt update? I dont understand this it doesnt make any sense to me somebody please elaborate
what I am missing here?
Because DEVs have decided to keep the DeepVault code closed-source for now. To be honest, I’m not a big fan of that decision either as I’m a strong believer in and supporter of open-source software and given the choice I always go for open-source alternative. That said, according to the official statements, DeepVault code will be made public at some point, so let’s wait and see.
I agree with you because I also believe in Opensoruce code. But I also believe in this dev team, they are doing really a good work, adding new features and giving vault to DO. So, as you have said, let's them working and opensourced code will come.
I don't think it matters whether it is open source or not, this feature is good but it won't propel deeponion to the number one spot. When deepsend is released then we can discuss opensource as it will put DO on par with monero, dash, and other top privacy coins. Prepare the rocket launch when that feature is ready!