DMD Multipool
first lottery winner will be choosen at first sunday of august!
(only tickets up to saturday count the sunday tickets are allready for september)
the winning nummber will be choosen by austria official lottery jackpot number (joker from
sunday 3rd august)
because first time we throw in
100 DMD!
if me is winning (i have highest hashrate and most lottery numbers until yet) i put the 100 DMD into jackpot for september.
i really hope u point ur scrypt and sha256 asics here and someopne else manage to win (like every lottery even a single ticket and luck can bring the big win)
somtimes it might even be more rewarding mine some x algo over wafflepool and earn more dmd that mining them direct
deepends on ur GPU and their X algo performance and the actual payment rate on wafflepool
if u have some better btc payouts suggestions than wafflepool and nicehash tell us
but its required they without registering and working with btc address as username
just to try all aspects of multipool i ordered myself some sha256 asic (they pretty cheap now paid 650€ for 700 ghash)
multipool mined already over 550 DMD! and thats in a few days here u see the lotto numbers generated
they always generated next day so the actual day show no new lotto numbers