Miningfield Masternode Renting and Shared Masternode Pools
After the transaction of DMD Diamond to a 100% PoS Coin, Miningfield DMD PoW pool was replaced/Upgraded to a Shared Masternode Pool system.
There is also a Masternode renting system, so you can have your masternode up and running, without complications, in no time, thanks to danbi.
You can check services here:
Currently there are 3 Shared Masternode Pools running and there is a pre-order form to fill spots from users leaving the Pools or to create a new Pool, incase there are enougth pre-orders.
If you are interested in joining the shared masternode pools, you can pre-order your shares (no payment needed) here:
You can read more information on how it works here:
Luis Fonseca
Miningfield Admin
How often does it pay out? Same as POS? Once every few days?
Do you get your original investment back at the end of the round?