I loathe to belabor the point, but please think rationally about this. If you are able to, look at the github for this coin and judge for yourself, please do so. Thus far, the so called Zerocoin integration is no further along than merely including the libzerocoin files in the project. This means that DRM is starting literally from square one. Assuming a dev actually has been hired, he has a mountain the size of Everest to climb, and the odds aren't very good. There are many other well supported coins that are also after the Zerocoin prize, as well as several competing coin mixing technologies that achieve similar anonymity that are further along than we are.
None of this means DRM can't still prosper, but it does mean the whole Zerocoin thing is a charade. If you are valuing this coin based on the hope that Zerocoin will materialize on the 24th, you may want to rethink the position.
One point about chinese developers and the chinese in general, I am an American of chinese descent and at one time was the director of off-shore operations for a software development company here in Seattle that out sources to China. They are certainly very capable and well educated as developers, but by no means superhuman. You may think $1200 USD would mean a lot to a developer in China because the exchange rate is approximately 6 CNY : 1 USD, but that is simply not the case. The Chinese government artificially manipulates their currency to be weak against the USD in order to bolster exports, but domestically, the consumer price index reflects otherwise. The bottom line is $1200 USD is a nice start, but not nearly enough for a project of this caliber.
There are other resources available so it is certainly not from square one
https://github.com/Anoncoin/anoncoin/commits/zerocointhe last commit was the end of april.
zerocash team will be presenting a white paper tomorrow
https://twitter.com/matthew_d_green/status/465963763028340736 which leads me to believe that zerocoin was set aside because it was a school project and the devs splintered off so they could profit ...
I do not believe zerocoin to be that outlandish of an idea in the not too distant future. we may not get to it first but we more than likely will get it.
We will also know more on the 24th. I've said it once I will say it again if you can't wait then don't and move on, no more doubts here. We get it you're skeptics
we have been informed if you're not holding move along or hold and wait but no more of this FUD bullshit. thank you