
Topic: ★★ [ANN] ECCoin (ECC) ★★★ ECCoin - Green Future FORK FIXED UPGRADE NEEDED - page 139. (Read 342484 times)

Activity: 2534
Merit: 1129
Stop selling so low peeps. Let the value gp up where it belongs! Smiley

Let them sell. The market should be free, people make their own decisions.
full member
Activity: 126
Merit: 100
Stop selling so low peeps. Let the value gp up where it belongs! Smiley
full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
I updated our pool, don't worry about the new layout. The pool works the same.
I also updated the wallet to version 1.4 and fixed the links to the block and tx info.
Activity: 82
Merit: 10
What's up with pool, 3 day's now ... no payout ?

The site is locked so you cannot log in, and even a couple days ago when you could log in, the interface was "updated" (it does look nice!) but is missing several important things - like payouts! Autopayouts stalled and the interface to do a manual payout isn't even there! You can't get your coins! It's been days now. Furtthermore, check your cgminer - you aren't mining ECC at ECChouse. You're mining DOGE at ECChouse - and you're not getting any of it. You're literally mining purely for someone else.

I received a 45k payment of ECC this morning out of 300k I have sitting there, unable to access. The admin put up a "oops sorry!" message on the site saying he was fixing things, and that's when the switch to DOGE happened. This whole situation stinks, I'm not sure why I got 45k, that's not my payout, it was DEAD EVEN 45,000 so obviously a manual payment... so I'm not sure what's up, but I don't have my coins, the pool isn't mining ECC, the pool isn't paying what is IS mining, and you can't even log in now it's been locked.

The pool admin is either scamming people, or has been hacked. I'm leaning towards the former, since he posted an update apologizing for the locked payouts but then the DOGE mining started. There was still ~300 megahash on the pool when I logged in yesterday to investigate the DOGE mining - so whoever is profiting from this doge is doing very, very well for themselves.

If you are still mining at ECChouse, your miners are actually mining DogeCoin and YOU ARE NOT BEING PAID ANYTHING. The pool is mining hundreds of megahash of DOGE, not ECC, and it's not being paid out to people. It's being stolen. MOVE NOW.

Dev this could actually bite ECC in the ass at a certain point - a flagship pool is fleecing the community - do you have any input on this? Can you help us address the issue and get our coins back?

Thanks, I stopped mining there from the moment payments holded, so I have nothing to worry, besides I have a bunch of coins in hold, but it was a allot of hashes for a long time, now it starts to hold, but still.
Hacked or scammed, why our matured coins still on our account, that feels weird...
hero member
Activity: 784
Merit: 1000
Pools Of Honor
i feel very noob when it come to linux... i am trying for a week to setup an ecc poo... for personal use ... and for fun + getting experience in something different...
and i am stuck at wallet installation for a week... yesterday i managed to take the git file and then... i started the compiling... and i couldnt stop the wallet from downloading blocks... nop, i mean i couldnt do anything.. i didnt know if i can put that proccess somewhere in the backround in the console, and by pressing ctrl c ...i stopped it..
the getwalletaddress command was searching for the eccoin.conf in root, and i had it somewhere else...and then i couldnt install stratum cause i didnt know where to put the config files Smiley .. hmm its a mess in my head... so imagine what a multipool wants.. pffff

will try it again... it keep me wake at night..that localhost pool Smiley

Hostmaster if you need someone to mess everything up i am your guy ahahahhahaah!!! well destroying is always easier than fixing..
Activity: 82
Merit: 10
What's up with pool, 3 day's now ... no payout ?
sr. member
Activity: 266
Merit: 250
another question i was meaning to ask.. the pool will launch the day the pow ends? or someday after POw? or just when the tests are finished?
We work on it everyday. And i hope before PoW ends we can start people using it. But may take little longer.  So far
-mining back end works
-switching works
-config generator works
-rewards delivered
-rounds shares and some part of live stats done

what we miss
user panels
profitability algoritym
API to exchanges
some front end pages

hero member
Activity: 784
Merit: 1000
Pools Of Honor
another question i was meaning to ask.. the pool will launch the day the pow ends? or someday after POw? or just when the tests are finished?
sr. member
Activity: 266
Merit: 250
wouldnt that require a lot of bandwith usage? i mean the live stats?
No of course, because we calculate stats and push them not the backend but from your side. What you see in this video totally done by your pc, we only pushed tiny push package 2-4 kb... It does not cost our server much. This stats appear in your login area. (where you logged) it's not always working. it works only you there. And if you open a second page it stops the first page. We have some protection as well.
hero member
Activity: 784
Merit: 1000
Pools Of Honor
wouldnt that require a lot of bandwith usage? i mean the live stats?
sr. member
Activity: 266
Merit: 250
 Grin give me some feedback is it good like this we use it in ecc pool. (live test done 5 minutes ago) The first pool with live share stats.
Activity: 86
Merit: 10
Lets make it happens, folks!!

Did you make your homework already???

Two biggest targets to ECCoin:

Target 1: Ask from Bter to add ECC to their vote list or directly Bter:

Target 2: Ask from Cryptsy to add ECC market to their vote list or directly Cryptsy market: (those who knows twitter  BigVern @cryptsy Ask from him tweet, Use your tweeting skills...)

PoW is finishing. And the coin is getting know...dont waste your time...
Activity: 2534
Merit: 1129
And another good thing is that this whale has nice hashing power... but he doesnt dump... thats a good sign...if they mature...
they dont mature all off them simultaneously... so its not a problem for now...

I think I would prefer that he dump now. It would be painful, but at least we would not have to worry about him in the future.

Bring on the dump... I am waiting for some really cheap ECC  !
sr. member
Activity: 266
Merit: 250
sr. member
Activity: 266
Merit: 250
i dont know... i was trying something else for the swap file... and when i put the gpu for mining it wasnt hashing..
i thought it was broken or a driver conflict... i installed , uninstalled everything but... nothing..
then i remember that i had disabled the swap file... when enabled it... even 1gb swap.. boom.. back on business.
SWAP may be used as a TMP (where data written) and it seems to me without swap file cgminer can't write data on disk...So no hashing ... just a thought.
Activity: 140
Merit: 10
And another good thing is that this whale has nice hashing power... but he doesnt dump... thats a good sign...if they mature...
they dont mature all off them simultaneously... so its not a problem for now...

I think I would prefer that he dump now. It would be painful, but at least we would not have to worry about him in the future.
hero member
Activity: 784
Merit: 1000
Pools Of Honor
i dont know... i was trying something else for the swap file... and when i put the gpu for mining it wasnt hashing..
i thought it was broken or a driver conflict... i installed , uninstalled everything but... nothing..
then i remember that i had disabled the swap file... when enabled it... even 1gb swap.. boom.. back on business.
sr. member
Activity: 266
Merit: 250
Grin Latest update of  Kalroth's cgminer 3.7.3 i got about 5khs extra.

in a faster RAM computer(16gb at 2133ghz).... with kalroth... from 694 my asus 280x went to 710..
On the miner i am selling, there was no difference... but i didnt try the big ram sticks...

And one thing i noticed.. one day i disabled the swap file... and it couldnt hash... although i had 16gb...
So there must be a connection with that too...
Cpu and mainboards supported speeds can be important otherwise cant reach really 2133 mhz speed.
hero member
Activity: 784
Merit: 1000
Pools Of Honor
Grin Latest update of  Kalroth's cgminer 3.7.3 i got about 5khs extra.

in a faster RAM computer(16gb at 2133ghz).... with kalroth... from 694 my asus 280x went to 710..
On the miner i am selling, there was no difference... but i didnt try the big ram sticks...

And one thing i noticed.. one day i disabled the swap file... and it couldnt hash... although i had 16gb...
So there must be a connection with that too...
sr. member
Activity: 266
Merit: 250
 Grin Latest update of  Kalroth's cgminer 3.7.3 i got about 5khs extra.
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