I don't think so. They don't seem to be switching fast enough to be cherry-picking individual blocks and their total pool rate is only about 1.6 GH/s according to their website. They might be switching in and out of ECC based on diff and price, which would be fair, though. The other thing is that it looks like the cherry-picker started on April 4. Either that, or he used different wallet addresses before. I thought ipominer.com started mining ECC earlier.
ipominer.com might be a good choice for a pool, but I don't think they are the ones screwing everyone else.
The other thing is that I think any multipool (or any pool for that matter) has to pay out to the miners fairly quickly. I don't think pools would hold on to 98% of the coins earned over 4-5 days. Otherwise there is too much risk of accounts getting hacked. I recently started using a multipool that pays out in batches 5-9 hours after the blocks were mined. You don't even have an account to be hacked.