Maybe we should organize a "miss ECCoin" competition.
But a decent one, no nude or pornography pls, it's bad for ECCoin!
Don't have a "miss eccoin" photo comp - its sexist, and being "official" damages the reputation of ECCoin and the people involved.
Much better to have a "pics of people promoting ecc in funny/interesting places" competition thats open to anyone regardless of gender, ethnic background, or sexual persuasion.
Give it some simple rules like:
1. Must include a readable sign in the photo with the new logo and the name "ECCoin"
2. Must be at least one other person in the photo who is the audience for the sign
3. Must not be placing anyone in danger
4. No nudity (needs to be workplace-safe)
Then people can submit pics of themselves on the underground, in remote mountaintop villages, flying an ECCoin kite in the carpark of the CN Tower, in the snowboard park, or anything else that's cool.