1. The new logo will be ready within 36 hours.
2. Another software engineer is joining the project.
3. The website is still under construction. This will take some time.
4. NovaExchange has ceased responding and has not taken any initiative regarding TME. Therefore, the developers are looking into whether having TME holders remove all other assets from their Nova account (to eliminate trust throughout the process), change their email for privacy, and create a temporary password so the developers can log in, check the TME balance, and then credit an address specified with EXOR. This may seem like a tedious process, but it is important for people who have large amounts of TME, or who simply want to have their ELIX.
Great news! And a big kudos to you for taking the time to be willing to do that. Once the new logo is finished, will Elixir be added to CMC? This will definitely help it gain some attention! Also, is there any update on getting this added to more exchanges anytime soon? Or are you waiting until is Elixir is further developed?