And many more changes are coming... for the better!
I'm constantly checking my peers so that I can update the addnode list in the OP with good peers... Matter of fact, getting ready to do that right now. If anyone notices any nodes that are updated and not in the OP, post them or send a PM and I will get them added.
To pick out good nodes - In the wallet console type: getpeerinfo Then, in the peer list, look for peers with: "addr": "", "version" : "6002", "subver" : "8.2.1" or "subver" : "8.3.1"
We are working on banning older versions of the client in the next update. I tried in 8.3.1, but could never get the wallet to find any peers. I was running on fumes at the time... Since I have somewhat recovered and regained a bit of my energy (and sanity); after giving the code a fresh look, we should get things ironed out in the next client update.