emeraldd getinfo
"version" : 80301,
"protocolversion" : 60002,
"walletversion" : 60000,
"balance" : 0.04574874,
"blocks" : 2052759,
"connections" : 8,
"proxy" : "",
"difficulty" : 2.33134337,
"testnet" : false,
"keypoololdest" : 1417278814,
"keypoolsize" : 101,
"paytxfee" : 0.00000000,
"mininput" : 0.00010000,
"errors" : "EXCEPTION: 11DbException \nDb::get: Cannot allocate memory \nemerald in ProcessMessages() \n"
I restarted emeraldd and all is fine, the error went away.
I've only seen this error with one other coin, which also has a relatively large (2 million plus) number of blocks.
I'm currently trying to restart and sync the last couple of days; emeraldd took nearly 9 minutes just to load the block index.
Looks like Berkeley DB is starting to creak under the strain...