Concerning the funds sent from exchanges:
If the transaction has been confirmed on time and you see your EON coins on your dashboard, there is no problem.
'On time' means that you have met the following conditions:
1. The transaction was sent prior to the end of the ICO (May 31, 17:59 GMT);
2. The transaction has been included into a block no later than in 24 hours after the end of the ICO (June 1, 17:59 GMT).
In case these conditions are not met, and you have sent funds from the Exchange directly and/or it was not included into a block until the given time, then you have a problem. Because in this case you need to get a refund - all funds sent after the said time are being returned. Obviously, we do not know your BTC address for refund if you have sent the money from an exchange directly. Our dev team is now looking for a solutions for such users. However, if this is your case, please contact our helpdesk on
[email protected], so that the dev team can help.
All other users won't have any issues. They will either receive their EON coins or get a refund, if the conditions provided above are not met.
But you will release a daemon or wallet like software with which you could set up a node, so you will also be able to store them there, won't you? If you have 25k+ EON coins, receiving block rewards is also an option.
Yes, there will be special software for nodes. Also, there will be the Channels app that is also a wallet where you can store your EON coins. It connects to your Exscudo account.