the only marketplace to CoinExchange ?
What happened?
There were MULTIPLE exchanges that ESP was traded on, and now CoinMarketCap is only showing 1 exchange for Espers:
What is going on? Is ESP getting removed from these exchanges?
Espers used to be on many more exchanges, like Livecoin and TradeSatoshi, but now is only listed on 1 exchange.
What's the point of the Espers Team doing so much work, if they are removing it from all of the exchanges?
Can someone please ask the ESP Team why they have removed ESP from all of the exchanges except 1? Do they want no one to buy ESP anymore, or are they just shutting down?
What a waste of time and effort, I thought ESP was going to be a great project, now it is only listed on 1 exchange.
Please list it on the other exchanges like it was before!!!!!!
Coinmarketcap has a new policy of removing exchanges from the list that have a low volume. You can still trade ESP on all those exchanges you named. You can find the official list of exchanges here:
Hope that helps!