currently mineral espers in Suprnova with quark and using only my processor .. as mining ethereum never gave much importance like the espers . however I started reading and found interessate . following doubts :
1 ) The developers stopped ? I'm trying to install the bad official license can not in my WIndows 10. tried the R1 versions , R2 and R3 which had already downloaded and stored on my computer. on the computer that I have the official mineral portfolio, bad on my personal computer can not install ..
2 ) I can not send espers to nowhere .. I have my wallet in my bad do not do anything with them ..
3 ) someone could make a summary for min about the future of the currency?
Thank you in advance .
Wesley Jackson
I think the language barrier is a problem to begin with, but I will assume "doubts" mean "problems".
1. They are working to fix a miner for everyone so you simply have to be patient while a few bugs are worked out.
2. It's pretty self explanatory how to send experts. Not sure what the question is exactly.
3. Check out and the devs are currently working on upgrading the wallet to allow mining in wallet and also adding the function of proof of resources (which to the best of my knowledge will help gain experts by allowing your wallet to be open for other peer to connect to). And they have further plans to implement things like email, voting, storage etc. But those are currently longer term goals.
Stick with this coin and you will find the value rising as new features roll out