sgminer.exe -k hmq1725 --kernelfile wolf-esp -o stratum+tcp:// -u xxxxx -p xxxx --gpu-platform 2 -g 2
Still gives an error though
clSetKernelArg of all params failed
[13:44:21] Startup GPU initialization... Using settings from pool esp.
[13:44:21] Startup Pool No = 0
[13:44:21] Building binary hmq1725GeForce GTX 780 Tigw256l4ku0.bin
[13:45:16] Initialising kernel with nfactor 10, n 1024
[13:45:16] Error -46: Creating ExtraKernel #0 from program. (clCreateKernel)
[13:45:16] Failed to init GPU thread 0, disabling device 0
[13:45:16] Restarting the GPU from the menu will not fix this.
[13:45:16] Re-check your configuration and try restarting.
Press enter to continue:
Thats all I get.
I think sgminer does not work with NVidia (GeForce GTX 780)...