Today I'm personally stuck at my day job for most of the day, afterwords we will run some final tests (not releasing anything buggy) and then we will finally release this long overdue client.
From now on we will be settings dates of completion and striving to meet them. You can expect a 2 week wait for after the is released soon.
in those two weeks we will polish everything up from the stepping stone and finally be where we want to be.
Seriously guys, I am very thankful for your high ambitions but you have to understand what this means. There is always a trade-off between meeting the schedule, code quality and features. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_management_triangle
We all know that developing good software is hard. Also we are not your clients, we are just investors. This is your project. Please stop apologizing for not meeting your own schedule all the time, or for not being able to work on it 24/7. We (at least I do) want you to make a high quality piece of software that kicks ass, and to take whatever time you need for that. Schedule is nice-to-have, but the project itself is way more important. If you see that you are not meeting the schedule, just update it. Get a bit more agile. It really just has informational purposes for the rest of us.