Upgrade - #ETC Geth to v4.0.0 ECIP-1017 Monetary Policy Implementation
JSON-RPC: debug_traceTransaction method
JSON-RPC: eth_chainId method; returns configured Ethereum EIP-155 chain id for signing protected txs. For congruent behavior in Ethereum Foundation and Parity clients, please see ethereum/EIPs#695 and paritytech/parity#6329.
P2P: improve peer discovery by allowing "good-will" for peers with unknown HF blocks
Option: --log-status - enable interval-based status logging, e.g. --log-status="sync=10", where sync is the context (currently the only one implemented) and 10 is interval in seconds.
geth/cmd: Improve chain configuration file handling to allow specifying a file instead
of chain identity and allow flag overrides for bootnodes and network-id.
Command: monitor - enables sexy terminal-based graphs for metrics around
a specified set of modules, e.g.
$ geth
$ geth monitor "p2p/.*/(count|average)" "msg/txn/out/.*/count"
P2P: Improve wording for logging as-yet-unknown nodes.