what do you think about the bitcoin meeting where only very few core bitcoin core developer and only a few of the biggest bitcoin miners were invited? Do you think bitcoin is getting more and more centralized? And what do you think about ethereum and the hard fork? I think that bitcoin and ethereum are going to become more and more centralized because of the economic model behind them. Bitcoin is deflationary so the people who have the most money will be rich in bitcoin too. And in ethereum it is similar. In both systehms there are no mechanism to prevent that rich people get richer without producing something usefull for the people like food, produkts or work for the people. Bitcoin is like gold and ethereum is like oil the only diffrent is that bitcoin and ethereum are virtuell so it is not like gold or oil it is not real. It is not doing something good for the people and it doesn't support people who do something usefull like producing food. Those systems are only for the richt. The poor can't profit from those systems. Yes transferring money is going to become cheaper with bitcoin and smart contracts are going to make machines going to be more independent. Bitcoin is a store of value really? You shouldnt store your money in bitcoin you should invest in your local community so the money circulates this is why money is nice because money is only alive if it moves. And why is ethereum inflationary? Does it make sens? Why does ethereum not have a negative interest instead of a inflationary system. If it would be negative interest the money would be easier to control. It would be easier because you could vote who will get the money. the money which get in there would always stay the same. In an inflationary system the economy has always to expand which is not good for enviroment. In an system with a negative interast and a fix ammount of money the exconomy doesen't have to get bigger it only can get faster and more efficent. The circulation speed of money is the key of economic success.
Some valid points, the biggest thing about ethereum is pos at least bitcoin doesn't pay the people with the most even more money..., those dev/white black Robyn hood buterin foundation people holding the most, they will be the ones who get the majority of the stake from pos. People haven't caught on to that yet. PoS coins don't work, Crypto is about mining, alot of other stuff too but pow is a must for this to work.
This is a great analogy. Although, I think POS is going to be more energy efficient and faster, but only in mass adoption scale. Someday.
PoW is empirically verified and has ecological validity, i.e it has proven to have worked. PoS on the other hand is still experimental. Moreover: there are new emerging types of PoW. Proof of Capacity for instance (PoC), which is very energy efficient to the extent you can mine with a smart phone. This will allow Ethereum Classic to extend into underdeveloped countries like in Africa, Asia, South America. The current direction of ethereum classic is PoW/PoS Hybrid.
(Dash has just become PoW/PoS Hybrid. If you stake 1000 Dash, you get to be a validating node and earn revenue from transactions )
If we offer both we will attract supporters of both
How we will build Ethereum Classic?
Decentralised Communication & Society
Decentralised Law
Decentralised Production of Goods, Services & Energy
Decentralised Monetary System
just to add some thoughts:
executive, legislative and judicative have to be separeted and independend.
In a centralized society yes, but decenteralized? Ok, the people will decide the legislative aspect with a social contract and a model of governance in a decenteralized fasion. However, judicative can also be decenteralized and decided upon by the people.
Some intesting work has already been done with this Crowdjury consept:
"You may be wondering about enforcement or ramifications of a guilty verdict on Crowdjury. Of course, having a guilty verdict recorded in the blockchain would be damaging to an individual’s personal or commercial brand, but enforcement extends beyond that. Sharing economy platforms (think: AirbnB and Uber) are becoming commonplace, and Crowdjury is a tool that could help maintain justice in that type of transaction. Imagine a form of “smart contracting”, in which a platform for business transactions could be linked to Crowdjury, and any transaction automatically cancelled and refunded following a guilty verdict. Even national, state and local governments could incorporate Crowdjury into their own processes in order to reduce costs and increase transparency. The idea of enforceable, online justice is hard to imagine, but that reality may not be as far off as we think." End Quote:
http://www.impactbeacon.com/federico-ast-making-justice-accessible-for-all-with-crowdjury/Moreover, if we don't do it with Classic, the establisment and banking sector will and they will do it with ethereum. Smart Contracting is not just about money, it is also about law. i.e Smart Legal Contracts
as we can see where it leads to, in the ETHfork case, if it is in the vitims or in one hand.
We all know that there was no democracy involved here, anyone could vote multiple times thanks to EF.
about POS vs POW or what the community will decid.
i understand why miners at the moment see the importanc of there work as very high and for sure it is. but as the crypto grows this will change. massadaption. to make it a fair system where every one has same value in a vote. we need to find a solution taht pays the miners for what they do now for the system and will keep them an income in the future. but i belive in the future people on cells and tablets or watches will mine.
pow/pos is surely a good compromis till the masses are ready .
i dont think pos is posible at the techniqucal standart we have at the moment.
Like i say, all eyes on Dash to see if they can make a hybrid model work.
All eyes on Burst to see if they can make PoC work.
Intersting times, intersting debate
@usukan this is the problem when you launch a coin before making plans to launch a coin. But this is what we have to work with ATM, things will get better.