
Topic: [ANN] [ETC] Ethereum Classic: Immutable Smart Contracts - page 315. (Read 821140 times)

hero member
Activity: 742
Merit: 505
Eth has no trust left

Well, thats not correct.

ETH devs arent trolling like a 12 year old.

Sadly.. ETC is run by kids, thats why its not getting any traction.

Better trolling than cheating and stealing. ETH is almost a private block chain now. It's run by VCs who make decisions to maximize their profit and Vitalik is a talking head for them. I'm sure it helps to get much traction.

What does it matter what ETH does? You know what would have been real good? If ETC was a serious project from the start.
Im sure we would see the price of ETC atleast twice what it is today.

Instead ANY investors or ppl with money looking into this thread will turn straight back out again with "no way im gonna invest in that chaotic kindergarden".

What does it make a serious project? A bunch of VCs with their money? A bunch of coders working for their pay? A lot of people shilling around on how great this project gonna be? Even Bitcoin didn't look like a real deal in the first years.

Its quite simple.

Act like grownups.  This shitstorm is just embarrasing. Check how they are acting in the ETH thread. ETC has been set in a really bad light lately, due to this.
hero member
Activity: 786
Merit: 1000
is anyone here actually buying etc...or are you all waitin for some stupid whale to pump this so you can all dump your bags on it. lol

You are hard to read. At first I was like "YEAH this coin is going down"...then I was like "wait, he just wants us to sell so he can buy cheap."
sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
Marie Curie, 2 x Nobel Prizes Physics & Chemistry

and then there is the question about the power in africa if there is money to get there is always a bunch that collects it and the masses wont get any (see the roses biz)
how will you aviod that ?

True, let em go without then.  

You know, where i am in Cornwall, we have loads of wind farms shut down.  We make a surplice of power but there is just no demand for it.  Also there is no way of getting that power up to London where it is needed.  English Heritage would never give permission for pylons and transmission lines to  clutter the beautiful countryside.  It would be cool if we could offer free power to attract new businesses but that would be against EU law.  Everyone has to pay the same prices across Europe, just to make it far.  Renewable s are just a ponzi.  The power companies just don't want to buy up  the power.  

Moreover: if you have enough roof space to make good power, you are so rich electric does not matter to you.  People will pay £50k in my road for land only just big enough to park a small car on (a car that cost £15k new on land measuring just 20ft by 8ft), and use it for nothing more than just that.

What ETC is going to do with this concerns? What lead you to talk about this electricity issues in ETC thread? I'm thinking there is a plan to use ETC. Am I right?

Africa, Proof of Light my friend!  utilisation of Immutable Smart Contracts!  its the future also the thread topic.
sr. member
Activity: 504
Merit: 250
askNFTY Team Account

and then there is the question about the power in africa if there is money to get there is always a bunch that collects it and the masses wont get any (see the roses biz)
how will you aviod that ?

True, let em go without then.  

You know, where i am in Cornwall, we have loads of wind farms shut down.  We make a surplice of power but there is just no demand for it.  Also there is no way of getting that power up to London where it is needed.  English Heritage would never give permission for pylons and transmission lines to  clutter the beautiful countryside.  It would be cool if we could offer free power to attract new businesses but that would be against EU law.  Everyone has to pay the same prices across Europe, just to make it far.  Renewable s are just a ponzi.  The power companies just don't want to buy up  the power.  

Moreover: if you have enough roof space to make good power, you are so rich electric does not matter to you.  People will pay £50k in my road for land only just big enough to park a small car on (a car that cost £15k new on land measuring just 20ft by 8ft), and use it for nothing more than just that.

What ETC is going to do with this concerns? What lead you to talk about this electricity issues in ETC thread? I'm thinking there is a plan to use ETC. Am I right?
sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
Marie Curie, 2 x Nobel Prizes Physics & Chemistry

and then there is the question about the power in africa if there is money to get there is always a bunch that collects it and the masses wont get any (see the roses biz)
how will you aviod that ?

True, let em go without then.  

You know, where i am in Cornwall, we have loads of wind farms shut down.  We make a surplice of power but there is just no demand for it.  Also there is no way of getting that power up to London where it is needed.  English Heritage would never give permission for pylons and transmission lines to  clutter the beautiful countryside.  It would be cool if we could offer free power to attract new businesses but that would be against EU law.  Everyone has to pay the same prices across Europe, just to make it far.  Renewable s are just a ponzi.  The power companies just don't want to buy up  the power.  

Moreover: if you have enough roof space to make good power, you are so rich electric does not matter to you.  People will pay £50k in my road for land only just big enough to park a small car on (a car that cost £15k new on land measuring just 20ft by 8ft), and use it for nothing more than just that.
You cannot buy a car unless you have somewhere to put it, its just that the space costs 3 time more than the cost of the car.
Activity: 1078
Merit: 1000
When price hit to 1ETC=1 BTC?

20/02/2020  Smiley

This was on the Dev Channel.  It may interest some
I will take some of that nurturing from nature, a good read


I got this idea for an algo.  I'm just brainstorming here, feel free to rob my idea, I have plenty more.   Wink
The algorithm is called Proof of Light (PoL).  I'm not going to get too technical here so it will be easy to under stand I hope.  

You know that some people rent mining hash power from Iceland and get the rig/ASIC pointed at a pool of their choice to get coin?  Well its a bit like that.

You see I was going to put solar panels on my roof of my home. You can mine the sun and power your electrical stuff but my roof is not too big.  If you have a big roof you can have loads of solar panels and you can put power back in to the grid and you get paid by the power company (a centralized entity) in fiat .

So what if I got together in a group with others to put solar panels on a school roof in Africa where there is more sun.  The power coming from those panels would belong to the group.  We could give the school an allocated amount of electricity to host the panels.  The surplice power could be sold to the villagers for Etc.  The villagers can get hold of some etc from mining it with PoC but other people will get better tools that run on electric, they will make things, offer services and people will trade.  Life will improve and the group that put the solar panels up will get paid in Etc.  

Proof of Light.  This is how we can decentralize electricity production and remove the costs of transmition and also help developing countries as well as get some Etc back.  We could have smart contracts to pay the group their dividend.  Miners in the villages could pay their power bill via smart contract where some Etc goes to the group, the remainder goes to the miner.  It will take time to grow but it is real world stuff, unlike that dao thing.

i do have solar panels on my roof cant use all the power on sunny days have off grit batteries. but anyway

your idea i guess is a good one. but
you say you put them on a school in africa. and give them allocated amount.

them have the sun and the space
the group has the money to buy solar panels.
at the moment both are useless
but if they find money they can buy there own panels
and the group would have to find new roofs
why not make them partner 50/50

and then there is the question about the power in africa if there is money to get there is always a bunch that collects it and the masses wont get any (see the roses biz )
how will you aviod that ?
hero member
Activity: 1022
Merit: 500
Etherum looks good.
Activity: 1078
Merit: 1000
Eth has no trust left

Well, thats not correct.

ETH devs arent trolling like a 12 year old.

Sadly.. ETC is run by kids, thats why its not getting any traction.

Better trolling than cheating and stealing. ETH is almost a private block chain now. It's run by VCs who make decisions to maximize their profit and Vitalik is a talking head for them. I'm sure it helps to get much traction.

What does it matter what ETH does? You know what would have been real good? If ETC was a serious project from the start.
Im sure we would see the price of ETC atleast twice what it is today.

Instead ANY investors or ppl with money looking into this thread will turn straight back out again with "no way im gonna invest in that chaotic kindergarden".

What does it make a serious project? A bunch of VCs with their money? A bunch of coders working for their pay? A lot of people shilling around on how great this project gonna be? Even Bitcoin didn't look like a real deal in the first years.

Mk several things here fella...first the eth devs are busy trying to figure out how to cash out stolen money and hiding because they know what they did is wrong on several levels, including illegal I know your sensitive about the whole prison thing but it is a reality in their lives right now so..that brings up point number two, the reason it matters what eth does is because most of us were supporters of eth, myself from the start, I got mine cheap and alot of them. Go back and find (if they are not rolled back, as in deleted) the original premise of Ethereum. Now fast forward to altering the blockchain, poor dao coding that they threw the entire community under the bus to try and salvage their and their friends money, white hats goddamn Robyn hood and arrogantly talking about it like they were cool, now denying any part in any of it after getting caught trying to sell stolen tokens (not even a real crypto anymore). Sorry but if your going to defend this horseshit, you haven't been in crypto long enough or your only interested in what's best for you, or your dumb. I don't know or care which at this point. So you can say etc isn't a serious project or call me a kid, I'm tylerderden, I'm not even real, but the fact is etc is eth. We just chose to take control from the greedy and try and make it what it should have been if it were not for greed. That right there is everything this entire crypto community stands for. So good luck winning this argument with anyone but the few dumbasses still cheerleading the "foundation"

i just read this:
is this true ? have you heard of it ?

he calls it a scam
Activity: 2758
Merit: 1075
is anyone here actually buying etc...or are you all waitin for some stupid whale to pump this so you can all dump your bags on it. lol

lol thought you had me on just couldnt resist me could ya  Wink Tongue Kiss
sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
Marie Curie, 2 x Nobel Prizes Physics & Chemistry
is anyone here actually buying etc...or are you all waitin for some stupid whale to pump this so you can all dump your bags on it. lol

I'm not fussed if whales come or not, i'm gonna mine this coin just for the entertainment value.   I only mined it in the first place to be disruptive to the foundation.  Now im really getting into it.  Ethereum is going nowhere with us around.  Disruptive technology at its best.  Even that has enough price discovery to make it viable to continue.  Cheesy  Who needs to troll when you can point your hash power at a node running the unforked chain and make enough coin to continue to do so?  CLASSIC!

Years ago, if you wanted to protest you would have to be squashed in a crowded street with riot police all around you, wondering how you were gonna take a pee without breaking away from the crowd and taking a beating.  Now I can "Occupy Wall St" from the comfort of my armchair.  THANK YOU ETHEREUM FOUNDATION Cheesy CLASSIC!

If you mine this coin, hold on to your ETC.  Only sell what you need to in order to pay for power.  It's nice to see some price stability, +/_ 15-20% swings each day is not good for forward planning and costing.

Moreover, you should see some of the ideas I have for “Smart Contracts” and “Smart Contract Law”. 
I hope the hacker is reading all of this, I bet they are in stitches.

Activity: 2758
Merit: 1075
is anyone here actually buying etc...or are you all waitin for some stupid whale to pump this so you can all dump your bags on it. lol
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1060
Vitalik buterin cloud mining scamming before it was cool

Even Homero didn't come up with "quantum mining"
copper member
Activity: 1162
Merit: 1025
Eth has no trust left

Well, thats not correct.

ETH devs arent trolling like a 12 year old.

Sadly.. ETC is run by kids, thats why its not getting any traction.

Better trolling than cheating and stealing. ETH is almost a private block chain now. It's run by VCs who make decisions to maximize their profit and Vitalik is a talking head for them. I'm sure it helps to get much traction.

What does it matter what ETH does? You know what would have been real good? If ETC was a serious project from the start.
Im sure we would see the price of ETC atleast twice what it is today.

Instead ANY investors or ppl with money looking into this thread will turn straight back out again with "no way im gonna invest in that chaotic kindergarden".

What does it make a serious project? A bunch of VCs with their money? A bunch of coders working for their pay? A lot of people shilling around on how great this project gonna be? Even Bitcoin didn't look like a real deal in the first years.

Mk several things here fella...first the eth devs are busy trying to figure out how to cash out stolen money and hiding because they know what they did is wrong on several levels, including illegal I know your sensitive about the whole prison thing but it is a reality in their lives right now so..that brings up point number two, the reason it matters what eth does is because most of us were supporters of eth, myself from the start, I got mine cheap and alot of them. Go back and find (if they are not rolled back, as in deleted) the original premise of Ethereum. Now fast forward to altering the blockchain, poor dao coding that they threw the entire community under the bus to try and salvage their and their friends money, white hats goddamn Robyn hood and arrogantly talking about it like they were cool, now denying any part in any of it after getting caught trying to sell stolen tokens (not even a real crypto anymore). Sorry but if your going to defend this horseshit, you haven't been in crypto long enough or your only interested in what's best for you, or your dumb. I don't know or care which at this point. So you can say etc isn't a serious project or call me a kid, I'm tylerderden, I'm not even real, but the fact is etc is eth. We just chose to take control from the greedy and try and make it what it should have been if it were not for greed. That right there is everything this entire crypto community stands for. So good luck winning this argument with anyone but the few dumbasses still cheerleading the "foundation"
copper member
Activity: 1162
Merit: 1025
I don't know but I am having way to much fun fucking with these morons that still defend "the Robyn hood white hat rollback foundation"
hero member
Activity: 924
Merit: 501
CryptoTalk.Org - Get Paid for every Post!
Ethf going broke soon.

I cant understand why some guys keep doing ico based in eth.

hero member
Activity: 591
Merit: 501
Scavenger of Crypto Sorrow
Eth has no trust left

Well, thats not correct.

ETH devs arent trolling like a 12 year old.

Sadly.. ETC is run by kids, thats why its not getting any traction.

Better trolling than cheating and stealing. ETH is almost a private block chain now. It's run by VCs who make decisions to maximize their profit and Vitalik is a talking head for them. I'm sure it helps to get much traction.

What does it matter what ETH does? You know what would have been real good? If ETC was a serious project from the start.
Im sure we would see the price of ETC atleast twice what it is today.

Instead ANY investors or ppl with money looking into this thread will turn straight back out again with "no way im gonna invest in that chaotic kindergarden".

What does it make a serious project? A bunch of VCs with their money? A bunch of coders working for their pay? A lot of people shilling around on how great this project gonna be? Even Bitcoin didn't look like a real deal in the first years.
full member
Activity: 182
Merit: 100
When price hit to 1ETC=1 BTC

The price is steady at 0.0032xxxxxx for some reasons.  Sad
sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
Marie Curie, 2 x Nobel Prizes Physics & Chemistry
When price hit to 1ETC=1 BTC?

20/02/2020  Smiley

This was on the Dev Channel.  It may interest some
I will take some of that nurturing from nature, a good read


I got this idea for an algo.  I'm just brainstorming here, feel free to rob my idea, I have plenty more.   Wink
The algorithm is called Proof of Light (PoL).  I'm not going to get too technical here so it will be easy to under stand I hope.  

You know that some people rent mining hash power from Iceland and get the rig/ASIC pointed at a pool of their choice to get coin?  Well its a bit like that.

You see I was going to put solar panels on my roof of my home. You can mine the sun and power your electrical stuff but my roof is not too big.  If you have a big roof you can have loads of solar panels and you can put power back in to the grid and you get paid by the power company (a centralized entity) in fiat .

So what if I got together in a group with others to put solar panels on a school roof in Africa where there is more sun.  The power coming from those panels would belong to the group.  We could give the school an allocated amount of electricity to host the panels.  The surplice power could be sold to the villagers for Etc.  The villagers can get hold of some etc from mining it with PoC but other people will get better tools that run on electric, they will make things, offer services and people will trade.  Life will improve and the group that put the solar panels up will get paid in Etc.  

Proof of Light.  This is how we can decentralize electricity production and remove the costs of transmition and also help developing countries as well as get some Etc back.  We could have smart contracts to pay the group their dividend.  Miners in the villages could pay their power bill via smart contract where some Etc goes to the group, the remainder goes to the miner.  It will take time to grow but it is real world stuff, unlike that dao thing.
hero member
Activity: 1022
Merit: 500
When price hit to 1ETC=1 BTC
sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
Marie Curie, 2 x Nobel Prizes Physics & Chemistry
I'm not sure if anyone has addressed the elephant in the room here but does no one remember why bitcoin is no longer mined on GPUs?


If the ETC community decides we want PoW forever you can say goodbye to mining ETC with your GPU farms and say hello to ASICS within 6-8 months after announcement. This isn't such a bad thing, but we may end up being at the mercy of the few companies that produce home mining gear which is currently plaguing the bitcoin home miner right now.


If we used a PoW algo like Proof of Capacity (PoC) it would be ASIC resistant.

 Cheesy  This is just like Brexit here in the UK.  51% wanted independence, 49% wanted a Federal Europe.  It didn't matter which way it went, half the people are really p!ssed which ever way.  It doesn't matter what you want, so why be angry and bitter just because the world is not the way you wished it to be?  

No matter which way things go, no matter what you want from it all, it will always be a reflection of the people involved.  There will always be doers and there will always be bystander shouting approval or disapproval.  This is nothing new.
This is also about to happen in the US between the Trump / Clinton battle.  How will it feel afterwards?

What is different here is the losing vote, (I didn't vote BTW, i didn't know there was one), continued in a parallel universe.  We have more in common with ETH than we have differences.  The difference being is that the centralized ETH governance is at best incompetent and at worst autocratic.  ETC however is completely decentralised, chaotic, has no governance, and the devs have no stake.  

Never before has there ever been a monetary system with no centralised governance.  Its a world first folks!  
This will go down in history.  This is true Political Anarchy.  Wink

Also:  I was looking in trolbox on Poloniex, The vitriol was passionate.  
First rule of trading, never invest more than you can afford to lose.
Second rule of trading, do your “due diligence”, research, research, research and never trade on emotion.
There were more amateurs than pros.

How they must have argued at Poloniex about whether or not to put a trollbox on the page.  Oh how unprofessional!  What would people think?  It makes people think traders are rowdy kids...  oh no!

Poloniex are laughing all the way to the bank!
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