I'm not sure if anyone has addressed the elephant in the room here but does no one remember why bitcoin is no longer mined on GPUs?
If the ETC community decides we want PoW forever you can say goodbye to mining ETC with your GPU farms and say hello to ASICS within 6-8 months after announcement. This isn't such a bad thing, but we may end up being at the mercy of the few companies that produce home mining gear which is currently plaguing the bitcoin home miner right now.
If we used a PoW algo like Proof of Capacity (PoC) it would be ASIC resistant.

This is just like Brexit here in the UK. 51% wanted independence, 49% wanted a Federal Europe. It didn't matter which way it went, half the people are really p!ssed which ever way. It doesn't matter what you want, so why be angry and bitter just because the world is not the way you wished it to be?
No matter which way things go, no matter what you want from it all, it will always be a reflection of the people involved. There will always be doers and there will always be bystander shouting approval or disapproval. This is nothing new.
This is also about to happen in the US between the Trump / Clinton battle. How will it feel afterwards?
What is different here is the losing vote, (I didn't vote BTW, i didn't know there was one), continued in a parallel universe. We have more in common with ETH than we have differences. The difference being is that the centralized ETH governance is at best incompetent and at worst autocratic. ETC however is completely decentralised, chaotic, has no governance, and the devs have no stake.
Never before has there ever been a monetary system with no centralised governance. Its a world first folks!
This will go down in history. This is true Political Anarchy.

Also: I was looking in trolbox on Poloniex, The vitriol was passionate.
First rule of trading, never invest more than you can afford to lose.
Second rule of trading, do your “due diligence”, research, research, research and never trade on emotion.
There were more amateurs than pros.
How they must have argued at Poloniex about whether or not to put a trollbox on the page. Oh how unprofessional! What would people think? It makes people think traders are rowdy kids... oh no!
Poloniex are laughing all the way to the bank!