I suggested this awhile ago, but I'll try again ... I think it would make sense to move some of this discussion to
/r/factom. Papou has now completely hijacked this thread, and without more communication from the "authorities" at Factom or censure from this thread's mod, I think it'll likely continue.*
The benefits of Reddit include the ability to downvote misinformation and attempts to disrupt the valuable conversation that
could be taking place around Factom and FCT.
People like Papou, and Grossbit before him, are a cancer to these discussions. No one will "win" in the arguments against his trolling because he himself couldn't care less. The idea isn't to convince anyone of what are obviously false arguments, but to create doubt among people who haven't studied the tech extensively, and generally to redirect conversation away from anything of actual value. Without a voting system in place to minimize these psych-op attacks, little can be done.
I may check in here occasionally, but I'm going to try to post all new content to r/factom. Hope to see some of you there—ideas, analysis (and votes) in hand.
*As I've said in the past, I don't think Factom's devs / c-suites are required to post regularly, so am not faulting them for their lack of a regular presence here. They have more important work to do than respond to trolls, and long-term investors should be relieved by that. Hopefully after M2, though, their schedules will relax a bit and their presence will increase. But for now: M2.