I have received many messages about TIPS and further development. I have had a talk with psychodad and we both are interested in getting into FedoraCoin again. I personally just got pissed that after the fork people moved to bter TIPS again (sad moment, like a punch into your face^^).
I will setup a new website and order a new domain. I also have CORRECT wallet version and i think we also have access to the fedoracoins most recent github. Maybe @psychodad could confirm this?
We will also setup a blockexplorer for getting more transperancy again to FedoraCoin. Stay tuned for new (or maybe old) website and blockexplorer. Let us get TIPS up again )
This is exciting..
Yes, me and ahmed currently have commit access to the github.
I am working to get a block explorer going, it's currently synching up and should be ready within ~48hrs.
Wishing this project success!