This is a monthly update on the progress our Premium Backer, New Capital has made since the last update.
New Capital enables ideas to fly high above the conventional world of thinking. Our mission is to ensure that great ideas have the best chance to succeed. New Capital formulates and employs digital assets to capitalize on the companies that we partner with, and these tokens play a critical role in enabling secure, flexible and effective crowdfunding opportunities.
A lot of efforts and resources are going into building New Capital’s FIX Network, a company that is using blockchain to secure digital assets and identities.
FIX has been listed on New Capital’s Community Exchange and is available on the FIX/TWINS trading pair. FIX Network also got added to Masternodes.online and currently has close to 850 masternodes on the network.
Talking about the Community Exchange, the exchange has been listed on CoinMarketCap. https://twitter.com/fix_network
Community members have been called upon to vote on what they want with regards to the delivery of already purchased FIX sim cards. Although pre-purchased sims were scheduled to be delivered by the end of September, the team discovered some exciting opportunities that promise “enhanced cryptographic capabilities” while searching for manufacturers for the FIX sim. The new sim tech should be ready by the second quarter of 2020. Because of this, there are considerations to delay the delivery of the pre-purchased sims.
Community members can vote on three options, each with its pros and cons. First, the network can continue with its plan of producing and delivering already purchased sims. Once the tech is out, new sims will be sent to customers at no cost. The second option is to wait until the new sim tech is ready by Q2 2020 before sending out the sims. Finally, community members can vote on having a partial production and delivery of the sims. https://discordapp.com/invite/yEgCjDy