no comment on this part i take it... i wonder how much of your 400+ LTC losses you are covering by taking 16% of the ltc from people whos account wasnt hacked?
however i do know that my wallet was not part of the hack and it is wrong to lump everyone in together as "hacked" when only select wallets were hacked. i believe the people that got hacked for having weak passwords should suffer the loss. my password was 19 characters for the reason that it cannot be brute forced. im guessing youre forcing people with email verification to give up 16% of their ltc as well? also wrong in my opinion.
Whine much? You got back 84% of what you had deposited where you had no guarantee you would get back
anything. These guys are giving back to you even though they're out of the game, essentially out of the goodness of their hearts and reputation. Want security? Put your money in a bank, Theres a reason that things like FDIC insurance (in the u.s.) exist. Its because when banks, or similar, go unregulated, and have no insurers like this you lose all deposits when they go down.
You get a chance at massive profits that you can't get in any other market right now when dealing with crypto. The balance is that there are high risks. Its not only the trading risk, but the fact that you are putting money in random, unregulated, uninsured, websites with semi-anonymous owners, quite possibly outside outside your local law enforcement jurisdiction.
even though you have some to learn on security, you are quite clearly decent guys. Fix & get site back up plus say 'Eternal Vigilance' three times a day and heed that mantra. I will trade with you again once you are up and going. And whoever used weak and /or multiple use passwords: For fks sake. You walk in the Amsterdam redlight with your wallet hanging out as well?
Def-ender: you should do a basic analysis on password strengths on hacked accounts if you can. All the truly weak ones: publish here and no refund from your own funds. Thats what I would do. Just my two utc