Electrum Light for FujiCoin gave birth.
Currently we are starting a developer's test.
wow!! great job!!
Can I test it?
Hi Rw13enlib88,
Can you do difficult processing with windows?
Currently the installer is not prepared.
If you still want to test it, you can join the test with the following procedure.
1. Install Python 2.7.13
At this time, instruct the environment variable to be set
The default installation location is C:\Python27
2. Install PyQt 4
Select PyQt4-4.10-gpl-Py2.7-Qt4.8.4-x32.exe
Environment variables are set automatically
→ C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\PyQt4;C:\Python27\;C:\Python27\Scripts
3. Launch CommandPrompt and do the following
pip install win_inet_pton
pip install -U setuptools
4. Download fujicoin/electrum
unzip it under C:\Pytjon27
5. Execute the following with CommandPrompt
cd C:\Pytjon27/electrum-master
pyrcc4 icons.qrc -o gui/qt/icons_rc.py
python setup.py install
6. Start electrum with CommandPrompt
python C:\Python27\Scripts\electrum -v
I do not know whether TREZOR works or not.
Please find as many bugs as possible.