What's stopping you from providing physical delivery? Wouldn't it be better for your business?...
I can imagine how many problems such service will create, not only logistical problems but also with security.
The costs of such service will be too high, it could have sense only in big quantities but then think about security of such delivery and the costs of insurances needed to make it happen.
Digital Gold needs to rely on third party service if they want to deliver real gold and then again, I assume that only a handful of such services exist and for sure operate with their own rules and fees.
We all know that the more third party services are involved, the more problems and points of failure this is creating.
Eventually somebody else will figure this out and fill this gap and takeover...
Sure, great to have such possibility, but from other side, the hall idea of GOLD token is to provide an easy and secure way to invest in real gold using cryptocurrencies (tokenized GOLD) and this is already achieved.
Physical delivery is a problem even for big services operating fully with FIAT.
I am 100% sure that if there will be a way to implement it in a easy, secure and cost efficient way into Digital Gold project, it will be already done.