Here you can checkไพฑูรย์+เตชดนัย&oq=ไพฑูรย์+เต&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l3.11567j0j7&client=ms-android-asus-tpin&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8
Umm... Something that's in major language, perhaps? I don't even know what the articles about. Maybe the keywords in english?
Can you use google translator ?
If I would bother translating every pages, sure. But it'll rather be bothersome. If you can instead tell the keyword or redirect me to an international articles?
Consular, Shareholder, investor, company holder
That's odd. I wonder if we operates on different search engine, because your given keywords didn't show any specific article about your company. How about redirecting me to an international article instead? Your company surely reached international scale?