It's ending soon , send all your money to that address.
This is GOLDbars , it can't go wrong.
I don't understand what you mean by that? If you have criticism you can just say it...
Have you found your escrow?
Did you even looked for one? There are plenty of hero members offering this , i bet they haven't received one message from you till now.
No, could you link us to someone who does IPO's? Our very first PM was to tomatocage asking about escows and IPO... We then PM'd Johnk,, dannyhammilton and a few others...
And all of them refused? I find it hard to believe.
Tomatocage says he was not prepared for IPO but pointed me to other people, said he would not do IPO, some did not reply, some where not trusted enough... People just didn't want to deal with IPO's. If you do find someone who is trusted enough we would happily do everything through them and extend this if it is what people want.