All you need to do for a deterrent is to prove you are willing to do what it takes, mutually assured destruction is the ultimate form of this (I.E. a Doomsday machine) and it is 100% effective.
Just like the death penalty is 100% effective at preventing homocides?
The more serious your readiness to switch PoW, the more stealthy the ASICs will be operated...
until you're not sure whether they operate at all.
Or whether they're FPGAs, that will be very unimpressed with your PoW switch.
IIRC your Coocko Cycle was supposed to be the asic cure, so just because you failed you now think everyone should quit trying?
Your death penalty analogy is horrible, try harder. I think your main misconception is the cost involved in ramping up new chip designs.
Secret Asic and FPGA will always leak out the trick is to make ROI before the market can react in this war. Whenever has jumps non-linear the community notices, its not like you can stealth for long and also ROI against a determined opponent. That is qualified with the fact there is a standby algo available, creating one after the fact just feeds the asic and I would not be surprised if there is some profit going on there in between the lines.
I was interested in looking into polymorphic algos and that would have been a gpu boon and possible the new hybrid fpgas but back then there were no hybrid fpgas.
There are correlations when studying Quantum resistance.