If you are familiar with buying and selling firearms-related goods or services online, then you are aware of how difficult it can be to process your financial transactions. This prompted the creation of Guncoin, with a big nod to 2nd Amendment supporters and firearm enthusiasts. Guncoin aims to provide the firearms industry a fast, stable and secure method of accepting micro transactions, while protecting their customers privacy and advancing the firearms industry into the crypto age and we have a blockchain several years long to show for it with ZERO issues. We hope that you will find all the information on the site here to be very useful and strongly consider using Guncoin for your personal and business needs. We thank you for checking out our coin!
Official Guncoin Website: http://www.guncoin.info/GUNCOIN SPECIFICATIONS: Name: Guncoin
Symbol: GUN
Address Prefix: "G" (and "H")
Cryptography: Neoscrypt PoW (Proof of Work)
Difficulty Re-Target: enhanced Hash Rate Compensation (eHRC)
P2P Port: 42954
RPC Port: 42953
Maximum Coins: 500,000,000
Block Time: 2 Minutes (30 blocks/hr x 75 GUN/block = 2,250 GUN/hr)
Block Rewards: 75 coins (current)
- 50 coins (after block 1,462,500)
- 25 coins (after block 3,000,000)
- Reward halves every 1,000,000 blocks after that
Block Rewards (Masternode Split): - 47.5% to the miner
- 47.5% to the masternode
- 5.0% to the development fund
Guncoin Roadmap / Release Notes: http://www.guncoin.info/roadmapGuncoin Wallet Downloads (Windows, Linux, Apple/Mac): http://www.guncoin.info/wallets Windows 32B(Full Setup) Windows 64B(Full Setup) Apple/MAC Linux-32bit Linux-64bitGuncoin Source on Github: https://github.com/guncoin/guncoin/releases/ USE 2.0.0 ONLY
Guncoin Web Wallet: http://www.mygunwallet.comGuncoin Block Explorer(s): Cryptoid.info (GUN)Social Media: Facebook: http://facebook.com/guncoin Twitter (@TeamGuncoin): http://www.twitter.com/TeamGuncoin Discord: https://discord.gg/eQtkKjw Slack: https://guncoin.slack.com/messages Telegram (Announcements): https://t.me/guncoin_crypto Telegram (Users Group): https://t.me/guncoin_group Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Guncoin_SupportSample Config for Wallets: rpcuser=usernamehere
Market Cap / Coin Analysis Info (GUN): CoinMarketCap.com CoinCheckup.com WorldCoinIndex.comExchanges (GUN): Cryptopia Exchange (New Zealand) - Maintenance Mode
SouthXChange (Argentina) Enmanet (Mexico) Nova Exchange (Sweden)Mining Pools (GUN - Neoscrypt): (Please do your own due diligence on each pool - refer any pool issues to the pool owner)
Guncoin Mining Pool (Official Guncoin Mining Pool)
The Blocks Factory (TBF) MiningPatriot.com Miner-Control.de Mining Pools iSpace Mining Pools Coincave.nl Mining Pools Hash Refinery Mining Pools Mining-Dutch Pools Mining Crypto Interpool (MCIP) Hash4Life Mining Pools Mining-France Pools Neopool Light Speed MininglMining Software (GUN - Neoscrypt): NSGminer for AMD GPUs -
https://github.com/ghostlander/nsgminer/releases CCminer for NVidia GPUs -
http://ccminer.org/ NeoScrypt CPU miner for use with the Guncoin miner interface -
https://github.com/ghostlander/cpuminer-neoscrypt/releasesSince the beginning of the Guncoin Project in early 2014, community involvement and support has been part of the Guncoin philosophy. The Guncoin Project is, and always has been, open source and 100% community managed. Therefore, its success depends on everyone’s collective and active involvement. A decentralized coin available to anyone with a multitude of features and options has been a long standing goal of the development team and the community that supports it.
If you would like to get involved and contribute, need help or want to share constructive feedback, please connect with us via the contact form on the home page or on our many social channels. Of course financial donations to help fund current and future upgrades and projects are always welcome, appreciated and help expedite these upgrades and projects. For this, you can donate to GUN Address
GymMmoKGErzJXx8UFT9ddBzf3SFH4wdWKj. Please let us know if you do, so we know where it came from!