
Topic: [ANN] 💦💦 HYDRO 💦💦 Security & Identity on the Blockchain - page 4. (Read 39294 times)

jr. member
Activity: 161
Merit: 2
Hello Bitcointalk

A Pleasant Wonderful Day To Each and Everyone in Hydro Community.

Hydro is a decentralized open source and community-driven project. We respect and value our community and put their opinion first in all we do.

For a long time now, we've been receiving complaints about how big Hydro total supply is and the need for its reduction. In the interest of fairness, we decided to get everyone's opinion before making a decision.

The Hydro team has finally put into consideration all these opinions and have finally decided to take care of this issue for the benefit of our community & investors.

Therefore, through Open Voting which registration to participate will commence today, the community will have complete control to choose the new revised Total Supply of the $HYDRO token.

Read this article to learn about how to register and participate in the voting process.
jr. member
Activity: 161
Merit: 2
Hello Bitcointalk

We are please to announce the new from our partner Bloceducare

After Bloceducare received the hydro grant, they have almost done with the Hydro migration to Binance, and confident to deliver this before 28th January together with the Crowdfunding contract on Binance.

Also, the hydro chess game development started on Friday with the document and specifications, this project will take Bloceducare till September to deliver the full game with DeFi addition however, the beta release will be in first week of April.

Bloceducare is going to be releasing bi-weekly update on development so that the community can follow up on progress.
Also while that is in development, Bloceducare is going to be working on "Hydro for social good", Detail will be released on this first week in February and will be delivering it by end of February.

We are so excited to know lots of updates coming in the new years from Hydro's parners
jr. member
Activity: 161
Merit: 2
Hello Bitcointalk 

We are thrilled to announce a partnership with SparkPoint.

SparkPoint was founded in 2018 with aims to fast track mainstream adoption of blockchain and cryptocurrency. And Project Hydro can be helpful for this with the use of Hydro Protocols by bringing innovative and scalable smart contract applications to life.

This partnership is all about providing SparkPoint with access to Snowflake protocol and Raindrop API’s for integration of two factor authentication on their platform. Also other Professional Services such as customization, integration, data import and export, monitoring, technical support, maintenance, training, backup and recovery.

You can find more detail here in our article
jr. member
Activity: 161
Merit: 2
Hello Bitcointalk

We are glad to announce the Hydro Growth Squad Program

A campaign for those passionate about Hydro and willing to spread awareness all over the globe to help our project attain global adoption.

You can find more detail of requirements, benefits and goals here

Or directly Apply here to join our squad:
jr. member
Activity: 161
Merit: 2
Hello bitcoitalks

It's the 7th achievement of Our Announcement Week

We would like to inform the release of ÆGIR mobile wallet(Beta Version).

Application not available yet on Play Store, we applied for Play Store listing, so it will be live for the general public in 2 weeks.
In the meantime the testers chosen by the community will be using the app.

Thank you and wish you guys a happy holiday
jr. member
Activity: 161
Merit: 2
Hello bitcointalk

It's Day 6 of Our Announcement Week

After working for 4 months tirelessly we are really very excited to announce the teaser and first look of our Hydro Remittance app.

Yes, after 6 months, Our developers were working tirelessly on many products simultaneously like Donation dApp, Voteum dApp, Vapour App, and of course ÆGIR Web Wallet.

We are really appreciated the supporting from our lovely community. It is our privilege to have that and truly our honor.

You can find more detail here about our Hydro Remittance app and from our Youtube, of course
jr. member
Activity: 161
Merit: 2
Hello bitcointalk

It's Day 5 of Our Announcement Week

It's been a very busy year end for all Project Hydro team members and developers. The Hydro community has been asking for the Hydro wallet for some time and now we’re very happy to announce the release of Hydro Web Wallet- ÆGIR.

The ÆGIR Web Wallet provides a convenient way to interact with all aspects of the Hydro ecosystem. To interact with Snowflake and the wallet you must install MetaMask and have a balance of Ethereum in it

Why named ÆGIR ?? that is the god of the sea in Norse mythology, also known as a king of all the oceans. Just like God of the sea is the most important part, governing the sea, we think that the Hydro wallet- ÆGIR will be the most important part of our Hydro ecosystem.

You can find the detail information of our work here

PS: Wallet will be live for the general public on Monday 10:00 AM UTC (28/12/2020) , until then it will be given  to community testers so they can play around with it and weed out bugs, if there are any
jr. member
Activity: 161
Merit: 2
Hello Bitcointalk

It's Day 4 of Our Announcement Week

We're glad to announce the completion of the beta version of our Vapour app.

The Vapour app is built to fight for a cleaner environment and help to ensure a greener future by reducing the carbon dioxide emissions into the air. Anyone can use this Vapour app by creating an account on it, and this account’s identity is integrated with Hydro ID.

You can get more detail information about Vapour app as well as our other articles here in our Medium
jr. member
Activity: 161
Merit: 2
Hello bitcointalk

It's Day 3 of Our Announcement Week

Project Hydro officially announce our New Partnership with Emedchain🔥🔥🔥

Emedchain is an online pharmacy retail management software. Their goal is to provide a product for emerging countries, easy to use software, loyalty program & discount coupon.They will build a product on top of Hydro protocols that would be used in the medical sector and hence grant Hydro a real-life use case.

Emedchain is building a product on top of Hydro, and it will be a real-life use case of the Hydro. This product will be made on top of 3 Hydro Protocols: Snowflake, Raindrop, and Ice. It will be used by Medicals, Labs, and Doctors.

You can also check the detail information of how we collaborate and how Hydro will be used in Emedchain System here.
full member
Activity: 272
Merit: 102
wow, time flies, and this project is really going back.
Maybe it is time to hodl some

jr. member
Activity: 161
Merit: 2
Hello bitcointalk

It's Day 2 of Our Announcement Week

We're thrilled to announce our partnership with Bloceducare.🔥🔥🔥

In order to encourage the development of decentralized applications on Hydro ecosystem, we'll be giving grants to Bloceducare.

Bloceducare will develop a number of products/dApps on top of Hydro protocols.
"The products that Bloceducare will build ranges from social media, messaging, DeFi, open payments, e-commerce, authentication, to utilities"

Development services fall under two broad categories:

- Project development: includes tasks that will expand the Hydro technology internally (i.e., tasks which further develop the core Hydro code), or externally (i.e., tasks which extend or implement Hydro code).

- Ecosystem development: includes tasks that create long-term sustainability of the HYDRO token and Hydro ecosystem through decentralization, community development, marketing, and cost sharing.

Bloceducare was launched to advance blockchain technology, education and community. Bloceducare has facilitated the creation of various projects to ensure blockchain developments, projects such as Web3Bridge, the Bloceducare dev shop, community management training and onboarding

Surprising event will be delivered tomorrow along with new Products of Project Hydro 😊
jr. member
Activity: 161
Merit: 2

I think it's too late for that. The supply is almost exhausted. And Hydro is not even worth half a cent!

nothing is impossible sir. Our devs are working hard to bring the products out.
And we absolutely have potential solutions for the  issue you mentioned. Just wait a bit more

Follow our social accounts or join our telegram for newst updates.
jr. member
Activity: 161
Merit: 2
Hello bitcointalk

Project Hydro Team officially announce starts of  "Week of Announcements.

It's Day 1 of Our Announcement Week.

1. Let's Welcome Ethernity to the Hydro ecosystem.

Ethernity is a software development company having expertise in Web, Mobile, Blockchain, AI/ML, VR/XR, IT Consulting and Development.

Project Hydro is partnering with which is a Software Development company having expertise in Web, Mobile, Blockchain, AI/ML, VR/XR, IT Consulting and Development.
Purpose of is to contribute to the Hydro Community by building some easy-to-use, secure, practical applications. provides services like Blockchain Development, dApp Development, Smart Contracts Development, and Initial Coin Offering (ICO). Also provide General development services like Application Development, Web Development, AI/ML Development, and TensorFlow.

2.. We also onboarded Product Manager Usifo Murphy, product designer who is passionate about how blockchain can disrupt traditional processes and influence people.

Our newly onboarded UI/ UX Designer Hanna Hermawan, a UI Designer who already completed 3 projects (Product Application Website, E-commerce Dashboard , Cryptocurrency Dashboard with clients from different countries (Indonesia, USA, UK).  

Also Aditya Chebrolu , a Software Engineer Experienced Sales Recruiter with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology and services industry.
Activity: 512
Merit: 20 only give money to the devs so they can still work independent...

This was their biggest mistake. This token likely would have been worth much more by now if they hadn't given so many away.

Things have changed sir. Hydro now is rising back with lots of achievements.

Let's wait for our Announcement Week starting on 21/12/2020 .
I think it's too late for that. The supply is almost exhausted. And Hydro is not even worth half a cent!
jr. member
Activity: 161
Merit: 2 only give money to the devs so they can still work independent...

This was their biggest mistake. This token likely would have been worth much more by now if they hadn't given so many away.

Things have changed sir. Hydro now is rising back with lots of achievements.

Let's wait for our Announcement Week starting on 21/12/2020 .
Activity: 512
Merit: 20 only give money to the devs so they can still work independent...

This was their biggest mistake. This token likely would have been worth much more by now if they hadn't given so many away.
jr. member
Activity: 161
Merit: 2
Hello bitcointalk

A month of working hard and our Devs havent got a full sleep night. We have got some achievements

1. After series of testing, we successfully deployed the Snowflake store v2 on mainnet with 2 new dApps - Voteum and Donation. 🥳👋✨
The Snowflake Store is a marketplace for dApps, which was built on our very own Snowflake protocol. You can get more detail here

In order to adjust gas price on metamask when you create/register on dAppstore , Please take a look at this tutorial

2. Hydro is now back on Blockfolio posting updates and development to ensure monitoring and updates. See our updates here

3. Regarding our wallet,  Hydro team is working on web wallet, which will have staking enabled on it. The testing phase is not as easy as we thought, so we need some more time to finalize everything.

4. Crowdfunding dapp is almost almost complete, we will be deploying it on testnet (on Binance Smart Chain ) in couple of weeks, it is due to be released by the end of December

P/s : From Coinex exchange,  HYDRO/USDT Pair will be live on December 3. Enjoy this healthy crypto environment and better trading experience.
jr. member
Activity: 161
Merit: 2
Hello Bitcointalk

1. Our President Saurav Kumar will be speaking in Nigeria Fintech Week this coming November 6th 2020

Title:  A Deep Dive Into Smart Contract and Defi

Interested listeners and participants may register here

. We are excited to announce Strategic Partnership with @TUSCNetwork . Click here for more detail.

3. Introducing Vapour App : A Carbon Footprint Accounting System by Project Hydro.
CLick here for more detail

4. HYDRO is now listed on BuyUCoin Exchange with a USDT and INR (an Indian fiat currency) trading pair

5.  Our upcoming Hydro Voting dApp will be available on our dApp store from November!
Check out the teaser.
jr. member
Activity: 161
Merit: 2
Hello bitcointalk

We completed the development & testing of our first Voting dApp, some community members participated in this.

You can check out the codes on our GitHub
And teaser here :

We'll be doing some last minute testings & deploy it on Mainnet, Community will be able to use the dApp from end of October or November first week, if we don't get any bug/build error while deploying it on Mainnet.

-------We have a new listing next week in one of the top exchanges in India according to Coinmarketcap. More info will be announced on monday.
jr. member
Activity: 161
Merit: 2
We are excited to announce another media partnership with CoinNewsExtra.

You can read the article here 
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