I am joining the community after reading Bloomberg article.
I think this is good project with awesome ROI. 60% a year projected is tough to beat. I have invested in similar project in the past. Giga Watt Mining. But the returns are just disappointing because they are facing huge construction delays in Mining farm development.
I hope this does not happen with HydroMiner.
I just read the manual on who to operate a light switch but for the life of me I don't know how to turn on the light with it.
Translated: How the hell were you able to read the Bloomberg article which excited your interest in this project but don't have a clue that the units are container-based? Ergo, construction delays is a moot issue.
Here's a tougher question. If I had enough startup funds to build the first container of miners, once plugged in and mining, I'll soon have enough money to build my second container, with a third container funded in an even shorter period of time, then in short order I'll have a dozen units mining, thus WHY would I share my riches with complete strangers?