Just read through all of Glebs posts.
Well this is what happens when someone with no brain and education(not that uncommon in the US) is suspicious of something. They'll go a long way to prove they're right.
How do you expect someone to give any accurate overview on anything who doesn't even realize that if a European is talking about cents - he's probably not talking about USD.
Typical US American arrogance.
I have to agree with you. He is just spreding FUD, and i dont know why. The only reason i can think of right now is that he NEEDS to prove himself right.
I see what I did wrong. I tried to relay too much information in one post, causing the likes of you two retards to confuse FUD with truism.
So, I guess I have to start all over again and spoon-feed the facts one post at a time, with apologies to all the non-retards who get it.
Fact #1 (yes, I'll number them for the retards): Nadine is on record in stating that she and her sister got into crypto in 2014 AND 2015 (together, not respectively).
Okay, there's Fact #1. All you retards who find fault in that first fact, please present evidence, regardless as to how sound (us non-retards love to laugh), to the contrary.
Stay tuned for Fact #2, for as promised, I don't want to tax the brain cells of retards.
Fact #2 (numbered for the retards so they can revert back in case there's a surprise pop quiz): In this video -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nc9cxWnp30o&feature=youtu.be&t=65 - which HM (that's an abriviation for HydryoMiner, retards) and their kowtowers have linked to on myriad occasions in advancing that they're not making shit up, the vlogger states that HM pays .04 cents (US cents he clarifies) per kwh, then he states that at his apartment he pays .0309 euros per kwh as proof that .0425 cents (again, US)/kwh offered by HM for their Investards is a competive rate.
Since I'm unable to convert .0309 euros to US dollars or cents in my head, I'll safely assume that the retards reading this can't conduct such money math calculation in their small heads as well, thus I'll use The Google to find the answer ...
Given that .0425/kwh (offered by HM) is a morer biggerer rate than .04/kwh (dude's apartment rate), it's safe to assume that a company based in Austria would pay a lower rate for electricity like here in the US, thus no need to source dams to place containers that may or may not house miners that may or may not be plugged in. The business model doesn't make sense to non-retards like myself.
The gist of this post was to show that, yes, HM and their marketing team have expressed kwhs in US cents because ... wait for it ... they're directing their campaigns more toward US retards, as depicted in their white paper.
Okay, there's Fact #2. All you retards who find fault in that second fact, please present evidence, regardless as to how sound (us non-retards love to laugh), to the contrary.
Fact #3: HydroMiner has done nothing, let alone thank me for pointing out that some some other entity has stolen copy from their
venerable brand, with evidence I've present here -
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.25206118 - and mega posts preceding it.
A simple thank you from you retards would be appreciated.
Okay, there's Fact #3. All you retards who find fault in that third fact, please present evidence, regardless as to how sound (us non-retards love to laugh), to the contrary.