A party is where there is sex!After the celebration of New year and Christmas — get a baby in September! This trend was noticed by scientists: it turns out that people love sex on holidays — with all the ensuing consequences.In general, any major cultural event or religious holiday cause a desire to have sex — it was found by scientists from the University of Indiana in Bloomington (USA). The analysis of data from 130 countries of the world shows that during Muslim holidays the sexual activity of mankind increases on average by 70%, and during Christian — by 80 %. Christmas is completely out of competition — it forces men and women to be interested in representatives of the opposite sex almost twice as often as usual. Researchers associate such a surge of sexuality with the entourage of the holiday: family values, gifts to children-love is in the air. People want to be free, happy and necessary, by the way, sex gives exactly these feelings.
In order to get this holiday-sex statistics, scientists carried out a tremendous work: they studied seasonal bursts of fertility and queries with the word “sex” and its variations made in the period from 2010 to 2014 years in Twitter and Google.
In general, modern high technologies give mankind a chance not only to learn more about their sexual life, but also to change it for the better. For example, the dating service DateCoin will use the similar intelligent search algorithms as the researchers of holiday-sexual activity, however, not for the benefit of science, but for each individual user. We are talking about the use of artificial intelligence and big data processing.The DateCoin project team plans to create the world’s first dating service that will use neural network technologies and intelligent algorithms for quick search and successful dating with perfectly selected partners. In practice it will look like this: special intelligent algorithms will analyze the activity of users on the site: information about themselves, viewed profiles and photos, the content and duration of dialogs with potential partners, etc. Based on this analysis, the corresponding “advertisement” will pop up on the screen — the candidatures of women who meet the requirements and interests of a man as much as possible. Cyber security of the service will be provided through symmetric encryption of the data for functional dialogues and the secure storage of keys for databases on distributed servers.
DateCoin service will be implemented on the basis of already successful working business model (Denim MVP-application https://datecoin.io/mvp), so that some of its capabilities can be assessed today.Implementation of a large-scale project using the latest technologies is carried out through the ICO. The Pre-sale of the tokens was successfully completed in December 2017, the Crowdsale will be held in March 2018. You can purchase the tokens and learn more about the project on the website