What if i have job right now and i want to resign because i didn't like the policy and the salary that given to me, what help from the trust logics could be given to me? Since i cannot wait for long period and i dont want to resign and be unemployed again before I'll find a new job, do you think its possible with the trust logics to find me a new job even if i have one?
Great question ma'am!
TrustLogics should impose the policies and salary when jobseekers will apply. It is important also to know that since we want a desirable job. If we will gonna resign with a valid reason (for example, the owner of the company is harassing you), then trustlogics should make a review for that company or make it as a blacklist in order for the jobseekers to have any backgrounds to the company.
Hi, It is up to you to look for a job even when you are currently employed. Employees always face the issues on working for a company despite worst conditions simply because one can't afford to loose the job. Trustlogics is a jobsite similar to other existing job website. It is not for Trustlogics to impose policies and salary, however they can include your desired salary in your profile or when applying for a job. Job offers are made at the end of an interview with consideration to ones's educational background, experience and other qualification. I think its a good option for jobseekers if they are able to rate a company, on blacklisting companies, I think this could be applied for those companies who are found guilty of breaking the law and abusing its employees. Trustlogics cannot just blacklist a company without good reason.
These article is very helpful to us,for us to know what is the role of the artificial intelligence or most commonly known as (AI) in the trust logic's project platform.
And through this article the job seekers and also the recruiters can easily understand and be more updated on the happenings in the trust logic project platform. Thank you for sharing this worth reading article.
Trustlogic will try to indicate most of the details about the job, salary , requirments, area of the job and experience needed. Will they be able to rate the employers to know if they are trustworthy and dont have any issue about its company? Like delayed salary or no benefits for the employee?
I think they should include the trust ratings of each employer in Trustlogics platform. So that jobseekers will be able to decide which company will they apply. It is important for us to know how an employee feels working on that certain company.
Employer ratings are important for potential candidates to collect information about their employer. As a job seeker, we want a company that will not just bring the best in us but also will give us a happy workplace. So before I apply, I look first at the feedbacks or comments of other people who have experienced working on my desire company.
No matter how Trustlogic makes job hiring easier for companies, if job applicants can not stay for long on a certain company and job position then it will be of no use. To have a harmonious and good relationship with work and workmates is also important, so it is right to also have a check on compnay's background and ratings and comments.
The most important lesson is that the recruiting effort succeeded primarily because it used a
“peer-to-peer recruiting” approach, which has also been successfully used in the corporate world.
If you’re not familiar with the concept of “peer-to-peer recruiting, it’s where your top employees
accept either the sourcing or the selling portion of the recruiting role. Most corporations already
use the first variation, “peer-to-peer sourcing,” when they ask their employees to help in sourcing
top candidates through the employee referral program. However, trust logics used this and more advanced
“peer-to-peer hiring.