We’ll distribute 300,000 ICN tokens for blog posts. Blog can be published anywhere on the internet and publicly accessible. It can be written in any language.
A blog that counts for Blog bounties must:
- have 1000 characters or more without spaces
- need to contain at least 2 links to https://ico.iconomi.net
- have unique content (ANN translations do not count)
Once you write a Blog post, submit URL to: https://docs.google.com/forms/u/0/d/e/1FAIpQLSfzgAlMHk5iu1if7vejR1rRH1ZJa04MrC-jM1w_ORnXrjD_ng/viewform
You can see list of accepted Blog posts here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18d-kY451XwIaA6QrJRdRMBKabwk0pvDkjiwqWiYpadU
Complete list of ICONOMI bounties on our BLOG: https://medium.com/iconominet/ico-bounties-ea2922888b85#.tbgq5mlea