Another "crypto tycoon" who spent his rent money on something and is now sharing his unearthly analysis for us mortals because the investment didn't turn into a lambo one week after the coins were released.
PS. For the sake for what is left of your dignity, don't start the same self shaming rant you already did on telegram and slack.
I think this must be read by all fudders here.
I've read it! say congrats to me.
weilichesbin was buying ICN weeks ago as far as i know.
weilichesbin was actively spamming about Liqui and then he turned on them....
he then was fudding ICONOMI, then sings their praises, then FUDS again.
He uses the moniker Nowtom on the Liqui chat.
He was trying to promote his own PnD group on Telegram under the nickname "Thomas" but when he was shown to be a fucking stupid troll, he ran away....
He has a serious personality disorder.....and he's full of shit.....
I feel sorry for him.......Not....
Thomas was kicked (twice!) from Crypto Lounge telegram group as well.
Looks like daddy issues..