If you are really a newbie on crypto why are you risking your ICN to transfer on ETH wallet while it is safer to stock your ICN on ICONOMI wallet and just wait for exchange release, Is that a hard task? Don't waste your time transfering your ICN to eth wallet if you don't have any idea on transferring fund on that wallet because it is very risky and might cause for your loss of shares. just a friendly advice
He is very excited with his ICONOMI coin Me too, I always visited here to check for updates with my ICN coins.Still it is in ICONOMI sites,I didn't withdraw it as I don not have the ideas of its technicalities using ETH wallet. Better to let it sleep for a while than to lose it.
ICN tokens left on Iconomi site will be kept in a cold storage, which makes it pretty secure. You will need password, 2FA, and email verification to withdraw funds. For large withdraw amounts the request will be processed manually. Sounds pretty secured and solid to me, especially if you are not experienced with ethereum wallets